IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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At the pace technology is advancing, human lifestyle is bound to change. Over the years we have developed enough technology to make a real electric car, which a hundred years ago would have been just a dream, however, th
Undoubtedly, all types of fossil fuels-based vehicles not only should be restricted but also should be replaced by electric-based automobiles which this essay, vehemently agrees with. Whereby this trend resulted in the r
There is an idea that existence of cars with fossil as its fuel should be changed by electric cars. In my opinion, this is a great plan because the electric cars have two advantages rather than fossil cars, which are env
There is debat going around banning and the replacement of fossil fuels cars with electric cars.
It is discussed by many that vehicles which are used with electricity should be preferred instead of vehicles which are consumed fossil fuels, and fossil-consuming vehicles should be forbidden. I completely agree with th
It is often argued that people are encouraged to switch their traditional fuel-oil cars to modern cars with electric power sources. I strongly agree with the statement because fossil material are considered as non-renewa
It is argued that vehicles that consume natural gas must be forbidden, and instead, the applied alternative is supposed to be depending on electricity. I agree that the world needs to use gas-free transportation, becaus
Nowadays environmental awareness is rising very quickly among people. Hence, one section of society holds the view that e-vehicles should become the dominant type of cars by replacing traditional cars that use fossil res
Cars powered by fossil fuels are being common transportation for majority populations in nations that could afford easily because of vary types of vehicles itself. However, detrimental impacts of such vehicles on the env
All vehicles that use fuels should be banned and fully electric cars should be use in place of them.In this essay,I will explain both views and give my opinion with arguments.
In the world, nowadays, electric vehicles should substitute any car that uses fossil fuels such as diesel, petrol and others. Personally, I believe that using electric cars could
Given the growing prominence of electric cars, they should be considered as a substitute for traditional cars powered by fossil fuels. I completely agree with the statement because traditional cars produce high quantitie
In the modern world, the energy car is increasing due to many people think that these cars are good for environment. I agree that energy cars should replace normal cars. This essay will discuss why many people need to us
In the modern world, the energy car is increasing due to many people think that these cars are good for the environment. I agree that energy cars should replace normal cars. This essay will discuss why many people need t
The prompt suggested that electric cars should substitute the others that use fossil fuel, and a ban must be imposed on them. I strongly agree with the statement because using electric cars would provide environmental be
It is argued that, cars which runs on fuel should be banned and people should start using electric cars.However, I would argue cars using fuel should not be abandoned as they are cost effective and ensures safety.
Electric cars has been a headline-grabbing topic in recent years, and some believe that there should be a total transition from traditional fuel-burning cars to electric cars. This essay disagrees with the startement abo
Cars running on petrol and diesel cause air pollution and a possible solution is to replace them with electric vehicles. I agree with the idea of banning combustible cars and finding an alternative as this will pave the
Although electric vehicles,look more friendly to the environment since they are zero-emission, I am against all gasoline cars should be banned because E-cars have unseen pollution that threatens the earth equivalently.
The evolution of electric cars has made many people change their minds that conventional vehicles are not environmentally friendly. Some think that all cars that use fossil fuels as their main source of energy ought to b
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