IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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​Being stress on daily bases is becoming increasingly widespread phenomenon. As the lifestyle of individuals’ are growing up, diverse severe problems occur related to the stress these days.However, the affluent people ca
In the contemporary world, an intriguing paradox exists where increased prosperity has not translated into reduced stress. On the contrary, stress levels are soaring to record highs. This essay explores the primary drive
Nowadays, life is becoming more complex and stressful. Despite the fact that people are more prosperous than they used to be years ago, not only has the level of stress not been reduced, but also it has increased signifi
here are several reasons why people are more anxious in modern society in comparison with previous centuries. Both problems and its solutions will be mentioned in the following paragraphs. This essay elaborates on the re
There are several reasons why people are suffering from stress nowadays. Problems and its solutions will be mentioned in the following paragraph. This essay elaborates on the reasons for high stress in human lives and po
It is seen that due to modernisation people are becoming richer and having a myriad of mental health-related issues. This essay discusses the main reasons for anxiety and their remedies in subsequent paragraphs.
Title: The Paradox of Modern Life: Wealth, Stress, and Solutions Introduction Although societies have made significant progress in terms of economic growth and increased wealth, modern life is still characterized by ov
Tension is becoming an increasingly serious problem for many folks , as they become wealthier in their current lifestyle. Although , this issue can be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the problems caus
Nowadays, a number of people have more convenience than in the past. However, the modern world is pretty under pressure, and the rate of folks increases by suffering from anxiety. This essay will try to identify the reas
Despite being far more affluent, stress is a ubiquitous phenomenon in our era. However, in some countries, nations get overcome it. This essay will look at the reasons for this and propose some solutions.
Despite having much better conditions than in the past, nowadays people are as though deprived of happiness and what’s more these days human being struggle with it as never before. However, in many parts of the world, so
Stress is a vital cause of many health issues nowadays. In this modern era, stress is becoming very common among people. Even though the people are wealthier compared to the past generation, statistically, the people wh
Stress has many physical and mental damages. It's an undeniable issue that modern man suffering from it. It is due to different reasons that I will discuss in the next paragraphs along with some solutions to diminish it.
Modern life brings comfort and makes people richer than the past. Although modern life with new technology seems comfortable but it is very stressful and the number of people suffering from stress is increasing. This es
In this modern era , it is very easy to find ways through which one can make enough financial stability.However, being rich is not enough to meet the psychological well-being of mankind. People live very stressful life c
Compared to the past, in modern society many people are suffering from stress due to the quickly changing and vastly developing technology. In this essay, I will discuss the main reasons why people feel stressed and solu
It is true that compared to the past in this modern world people are reacher yet modern life seems very stressful and a large number of individuals suffering from this problem is at a record level. In this essay, I will
Today people earn enough to be self-reliant and have a better life. While this is true in contrast to the past, they, also, seem to be less happy and more stressed out than previous generations. This essay will discuss t
Nowadays, a significant part of the population has become reacher than in the previous years. However, the modern lifestyle and rhythm of life can lead to stress and mental health problems. There are several causes of st
It is crystal clear that, these days life is full of stress and many people are suffering from this situation. There are a variety of ways that stress could be reduced. This essay will state some valid evidence for the s
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