IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, more people than in the past prefer to have plastic surgery to change their outlook. Personally, I think this is a negative development, and there are some reasons cause this situation.
Cosmetic surgeries have become quite popular in recent years, as a vast number of people are undergoing these surgeries in order to improve the way they look. Individuals who are choosing surgeries are mostly, because th
A wide array of men and women did an operation to make their face more beautiful. The main reason why numerous people do surgery is that the person’s look can influence in such areas as workplace, relationship and friend
Nowadays, a vast majority of people want to change and enhance their fairness by cosmetic surgery. One of the main reason is that people want to be attractive and beautiful and it can negatively impacted on their health
The rising popularity of cosmetic surgery for presence enhancement has become a prominent trend in modern society. This essay will examine the reasons behind the increasing demand for cosmetic surgery and argue that it r
There is no doubt that these day too much of people choosing cosmetic surgery in order to improve their appearance, The question is: are cosmetic surgery have problems ? In this essay, I am going to discuss my view and d
There is no doubt that these day too much of people choosing cosmetic surgery in order to improve their appearance, The question is: are cosmetic surgery have problems ? In this essay, I am going to discuss my view and d
Nowadays, numerous people who love to have their plastic surgery in order to upgrade their appearance in an instant way have risen. Some people have argued about this issue, and in this essay I will explain why I think t
Cosmetic surgery in order to enhance their appearance has evolved as a majority topic of concern in modern society. While some believe that this trend makes them more confident, I would contend that it still has some pot
The modern standards of beauty push people to change the way they look by using cosmetics operations. This essay will discuss that the desire to be loved by people is the main reason for this surgery. Also, I will suppor
Over the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the crowd who want to do cosmetic surgery in order to heal after injury or illness. Because it is also able to redesign the shape or contour of some parts
It is true that more people are opting for cosmetic operations to alter their physical appearance. In this essay, I will suggest some reasons which are associated with this trend and I believe that its benefits are more
Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of people choosing plastic operations to make their appearance perfect. There are several reasons behind this trend. Although there are certain benefits to
Nowadays poeple have a tendency to become more flawless with doing surgery and using cosmetic in order to satisfy themselves to keep good looking. I personaly think this is a negative development since it costly and some
Cosmetic surgery is becoming increasingly popular in this modern world. Majority of the population are deciding to have a cosmetic surgery, to enhance their physical appearance. In this essay I will discuss the negative
A growing majority of individuals in today's culture decide to have cosmetic surgery in order to enhance their physical appearance. Although some might argue that this is a negative development, I consider that having co
In recent years, there can be seen a rising trend of having surgery to enhance the outer look of individuals. This can be due to the set beauty standards, made by social media and numerous commercialization done by makeu
It is said that cosmetic surgery is a popular choice among people nowadays in order to increase their beauty. This essay will elaborate on the reasons and my perspective below.
Medical field has developed with the technology and it has various kinds of operations to save people's lives. However, there are some surgeries to convert physical apperance according to individuals' wishes. Plastic sur
Nowadays a large amount of people are opting to undergo cosmetic surgery so that their appearance may look good. They go for these type of procedure to get recognise in a crowd and people admire them on the basis of thei
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