IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many strongly believe that art lessons namely painting or drawing play an important role in the progress of children compared to other subjects; hence, it is mandatory for high schoolers. From my point of view, although
In modern education, the significance of art classes, such as painting and drawing, in a child’s development cannot be overstated. While traditional subjects like math and science are undeniably important, I firmly belie
Education is widely recognised as a crucial tool for personal and social development . Education is the most powerful asset of a person . To Fully develop one should ace the academic subjects as well as extra subjects li
The role of art lessons in secondary schools has been a subject of debate. While some argue that these lessons should be optional, others, including myself, believe they should be compulsory.
Some individuals believe that art courses should be taught in schools and these courses should conclude a wide range of art materials, ranging from painting to drawing. In my opinion, basic art infrastructure should be t
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