IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Job satisfaction is believed to be an essential facet of one’s self-satisfaction and a joyful life. To be satisfied with a job, many expectations need to be fulfilled, and it is a matter of debate if work satisfaction ex
Job satisfaction plays an important role in workers' well-being. I believe, to feel satisfied at work, a person needs to do what they love and also make a positive impact on other people's lives. Sadly, it is totally unr
Some people believe that, during the course of our human lives, careers occupy almost all of our time. Thus, job satisfaction reflects how an individual feels about their life as a whole and plays a key role as a well-be
As the majority of adults spend most of their time at work, being content in their job is a crucial part of their health and happiness. This essay will first discuss how being respected and well paid contribute toward j
As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. Job satisfaction, which can be driven by material earnings and mental feelings, significan
Work is a big part of human life and because we spend nearly half of our life working it is vital to receive a positive outcome and be satisfied by what you do. There are many factors and characteristics that determine
It is claimed that satisfaction in the workplace is an important thing in the health of the person, since adults spend most of their time at work. However, factors such as opportunities for growth and flexibility in the
As most adults spend most of their time at work, being content with your career is a crucial part of a person’s health and happiness. This essay will first suggest fair pay as a key element leading to work satisfaction,
Spending more time at work is becoming more widespread to many people these days, so job satisfaction become more and more important for individual happiness. This essay will examine the factors that contribute to job sa
Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and spend most of the proportion of their lives doing such jobs. Thus, feelings about one’s job can reflect how an individual feels about their life as a whole, because of this, j
In line with the shift in time, there are growing concerns about job satisfaction. In this essay, I will present some factors that contribute to satisfaction and point out the realistic expectations of workers' job satis
Most adults spend the majority of their time at work so job satisfaction is an essential part of individual well-being. This essay will discuss contributing factors to job satisfaction and I believe that this expectati
It is true that having a satisfactory job is an important element of the sense of well-being among all workers. There are many reasons behind this trend and I would argue that it is unrealistic and impractical to expect
In the contemporary era, half the lifespans of a person are spent at the workplace. job satisfaction is pivotal for mental and physical health. Although, a myriad of factors involves it. However, realistic expectations
It is not to say that achieving job satisfaction is an easy feat. Many factors contribute to it, such as a positive work environment, opportunities for growth and development, fair compensation and benefits, and a good w
Job satisfaction plays a vital role in the overall well-being of individuals, considering the significant amount of time adults spend at employment. Various factors contribute to vocational contentment, making it a multi
Spending most of adult life to get job satisfaction is becoming widespread in many parts of the world these days. There are several factors caused by this trend, and various solutions could be taken to improve the situat
These days, people spend most of their time at the workplace. Therefore, job satisfaction is essential because mental health is significantly related. We examine the factors that may increase people's job satisfaction.
In today’s life, there is a wide range of people who work under flexible environment, while others are exposed to stressful conditions. It is unadvisable to proceed with any job, if the employer is not taking into acco
A healthy professional life is essential for not only the physical but also the mental well-being of an individual. Since the majority of a person's time is spent at his or her workplace ,job satisfaction contributes a h
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