IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In a competitive ,environment the majority of the individuals have less time for leisure during their lifetime where happiness is a prominent factor to retain long-term on an occupation. This essay will explore the facto
The supplied bar charts compares average house costs in three European cities (Madrid, London and Frankfurt), one Asian city (Tokyo) and an American city (New York) in a 12 years period with 1989. Units are given in perc
In today's world, people spend most of their life at the workplace, and work contentment plays the main role when considering life comfort. This essay will discuss the elements of career satisfaction and the reality in t
Now a days, it can be seen that majority of youngstars spent their young age at work or job satisfaction. Some how it is true and I will discuss it in further peragraph.
Majority of people spend their tennage life at job,work satisfaction is a major factor of individual wellbeing.As a man,job satisfication really helps a person in well-being.In this essay,I will discuss the key feauture
Finding joy in a person's work is vital for one's health since a lot of their life as older people is utilized at such places. This essay will explain why factors such as incentives result in one having a happy job as w
The majority of the population spend most of their adulthood working, therefore job satisfaction is fundamental for individual wellbeing. This essay aims to enumerate the most important factors that contribute to job s
In the current world, the professional lives of individuals occupy a major part and therefore being happy with one's job is highly imperative. For the same purpose, addressing factors like job environment, passion for ta
As a matter of fact that the majority of employees have to utilize most of their lifetime at the workplace to get money to support their families. Hence, it is terrible for workers when they have to experience unhappy an
There is no doubt that work plays an important role in our life which will affect dramatically our Society. there are many people who spend almost all their time at their job, therefore career satisfaction represents a
In modern life, the majority of adult spend most of their time to earn enough money to meet their daily needs. So that, the employee’s emotion about the job also play an important role in affecting the people health both
In the modern world, most adults have full-time jobs and work to support living costs and their sense of fulfilment, so job satisfaction is a principal element of individual welfare. This essay will discuss three stems t
In the modern world, most adults have fulltime job and work to support live costs and their sense of fulfillment, so job satisfaction is a principle element of individual welfare. This essay will discuss about three fact
Getting jobs in any sector has become the ultimate goal of youngsters to attain better living standards and be self-dependent in which they consider different factors of job satisfaction. This essay will further elaborat
The fact that the majority of mature adults spend at least eight hours at their workplace so satisfaction does play a crucial role in deciding their happiness. Actually, there are many elements that have great impacts o
The fact that the majority of mature adults spend at least eight hours at their workplace so satisfaction is believed to play a crucial role in deciding their happiness. There are many elements supposed to have great im
According to the measurement of a comfortable life, job satisfaction is also included in the researched elements. As a result, finding comfort in the office is really such an imperative factor of individual wellbeing tha
Nowadays, most adults dedicate a considerable amount of time to their workplace. Hence, job satisfaction plays a vital role in an employee's happiness. From my perspective, salaries and the environment are critical point
According to the measurement of a comfortable life, job fulfillment is also included in the researched elements. As a result, finding satisfaction in a job is really such an imperative factor of individual wellbeing.
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