IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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According to the measurement of a comfortable life, job fulfillment is also included in the researched elements. As a result, finding satisfaction in a job is really such an imperative factor of individual wellbeing.
The majority of the population dedicate their adulthood towards earning a living for themselves and their loved ones, and it is crucial to be content with their work. The essay will discuss the main features of job conte
More and more people today spend a primarily grown life at the workplace than the time that they consume for other activities. This tendency will likely build a perception that work complacency is a significant factor of
The majority of members of society go to the workplace every day and spend lots of their time doing their regular activities for getting the salary. Although, some people have their own business, others have to work as a
These days ,most individuals have a full-time job and they are spending a large part of their life at work .There is an important thing which is a sector of working ,job satisfaction that all of the workers need .The cau
Today, most individuals complain about their life in modern societies; moreover, this dissatisfaction depends on the working situation in some cases. In the following, several elements associated with job gratification w
In the modern world, people have to work about 40 years during their whole life. Therefore, an increasing number of individuals pay more attention to job satisfaction rather than tolerant undesirable jobs. This essay wil
The vast majority of people devote most of their lifetime to work also job satisfaction is one of the vital aspect of being welfare.Several things cqn create job satisfaction.In this essay,I will explore the most importa
Many people spend most of their adulthood doing work, being satisfied with the job is an essential component of an individual overall health. This essay will first discuss how anticipated salaries and appreciation can le
It is often argued that a sense of fulfilment in a job is considered a primary factor as the majority of us spend our later part being an employee. This essay will demonstrate some significant elements that promote satis
Owing to the fact that, satisfaction from work is a basic thing which is being expected by mostly all the people in the society. The major factors which are considered before applying for any vacancy are thinking of job
Today, most individuals complain about their life in modern societies; moreover, this dissatisfaction depends on the working situation in some cases. In the following, several elements associated with job satisfaction wi
Typically, young people devote more time to their work in whole lives. It is argued that career satisfaction is a decisive factor in health. So, there are several reasons an employee is satisfied, like salaries, job prom
In today’s life, there is a wide range of people who work in flexible environments, while others are exposed to stressful conditions. It is inadvisable to proceed with any job if the employer is not taking into account
Since workers are spending a considerable amount of their life working, feeling fulfilled happiness play an important role in the health status of an individual. Several factors may contribute to this, and it is difficul
Since workers are spending a considerable amount of their life working, feel fulfilling happy play an Important role on the health status of an individual. Several factors may contribute to this, and it is difficult to r
Many individuals dedicate their entire youth to earn for their livelihood through jobs, therefore, it is crucial for employees to be content with his/her work. This essay will discuss the aspects related to acquiring job
Many individuals dedicate their entire youth to earn for their livelihood through jobs, therefore, it is crucial for employees to be content with his/her work. This essay will discuss the aspects related to job satisfact
Job satisfaction nowadays seems to become an integral factor of individual well-being because the majority of adult’s life is spent on their job. There are several elements that are responsible for the contentment in job
Job satisfaction nowadays seems to become an integral factor of individual well-being because the majority of an adult’s life is spent on a job. There are several elements which are responsible for the contentment in wor
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