IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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As the majority of adults spend most of their time at work, being content with their career is a crucial part of their health and happiness. This essay will first discuss how being respected and well paid contribute towa
Since there is a positive correlation between job satisfaction and individual well-being, and adult people spend a lot of time at work, being content with one’s job could be a top priority, to which many factors such as
Being satisfied with the career is an imperative factor in per adult person’s life since the maximum time people spend on their performance. This essay will pay into the variety of factors of job enjoyment and will expla
As most adults spend most of their time at work, being content with your career is a crucial part of a person’s health and happiness. This essay will first suggest fair pay as a key element leading to job satisfaction, a
In contemporary society, where a significant portion of adulthood is devoted to work, the role of job satisfaction in shaping individual well-being is paramount. This essay examines the factors influencing job satisfacti
Some poeple believe that people spend the majority of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an significant part of personal well-being. There is considerable assertion which is about contribution to human life f
It is true that a lot of adults have been working for many years of their precious time, and the appropriate job can play a significant role in their feelings about their professional careers. There are a considerable nu
There is no doubt that job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing because most people spend a major part of their adult life at work. There are many factors that contribute to job satisfaction like
Nowadays, the workplace turns into the second home for many individuals who spend most of their time at work. Therefore, it is of significant importance that how we feel about our occupation. In this essay, I will discus
The essential component in people’s happiness is the sense of satisfaction in their work because adults spend most of their time working. One’s fulfilment can be influenced by wages and supportive coworkers. However, the
People prefer to spend most of their adult time at occupation, beacuse job satisfaction become crucial part of wellbeing of individual. I think there are several factors that are playing important roles in job satisfacti
The majority of the people attaining adulthood spend most of their time at work, In this context, job satisfaction for one's own well-being is more important than anything. Considering such importance, certain factors in
A large number of species are whipping out every year, and this has imperil Earth's ecosystem in a way that has never experienced before. Although the protection of animals may seem absurd, while many humans are in a de
There has been a discussion that a significant portion of individuals' adult lives is dedicated to their professional activities, and job satisfaction has a massive impact on the mental health of individuals. Numerous fa
Job satisfaction is believed to be an essential facet of one’s self-satisfaction and a joyful life. To be satisfied with a job, many expectations need to be fulfilled, and it is a matter of debate if work satisfaction ex
Job satisfaction plays an important role in workers' well-being. I believe, to feel satisfied at work, a person needs to do what they love and also make a positive impact on other people's lives. Sadly, it is totally unr
Some people believe that, during the course of our human lives, careers occupy almost all of our time. Thus, job satisfaction reflects how an individual feels about their life as a whole and plays a key role as a well-be
As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. Job satisfaction, which can be driven by material earnings and mental feelings, significan
Work is a big part of human life and because we spend nearly half of our life working it is vital to receive a positive outcome and be satisfied by what you do. There are many factors and characteristics that determine
As most adults spend most of their time at work, being content with your career is a crucial part of a person’s health and happiness. This essay will first suggest fair pay as a key element leading to work satisfaction,
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