IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Although businesses are an important part of the society and provide us with lots of job opportunities, role
One school of thought holds that businesses should be concerned about society . From my perspective, I agree with this viewpoint. This essay is to shed light on the reasons for the mentioned fact.
Some people argue that companies put a high priority on generating profit nowadays. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that others having public responsibilities are more important con
There have been growing concerns concerning most businesses that are inclined to be obsessed with considering profitability. However, some people may have claimed that businesses should play a vital role in fostering soc
Today, it is obvious that there has been numerous businesses all around the world and the number of them is increasing tremendously. Some people claim that the businesses should address social issues as well as making mo
In this modern world, it is common that besides earning profit, companies usually perform social duties. I am totally in agreement with that idea, and within the scope of this writing, many arguments will be discussed ca
Over the past decades, topics relating to businesses have never ceased to draw public attention. In this day and age, some people are of the conviction that besides earning money, companies have to be in charge of societ
It is always agured that with the increase of finances, more social obligations of companies are required to take or not. I completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simply make money
In contemporary society, solely profit-driven can not be considered as the only goal for many companies. I completely agree that companies have important social responsibilities to fulfil.
Whether businesses act as a vital part of the society and have some resposibilities or not is a subject of public debate and concern. There are some truth about this claim based on crucial grounds that I am concivably ag
Business always attempts to make better profits, but there is a controversial issue surrounding their social responsibilities, nowadays. I totally believe in the idea that they should do more for society than simply make
It is argued that making money is the purpose and not anything else is more important than profits. In comparison to this group, others think that business has social responsibilities besides the amount of earnings. Howe
There is no denying the fact that businesses is crucial task to improve the responsibilities.
Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree that businesses should do more for society t
There is an ongoing debate about whether businesses should undertake responsibilities or not, advocating the importance of being involved in social activities as a significant action. I strongly believe that although int
In the world of commerce, there has long been a debate about the roles and responsibilities of businesses. One commonly held view is that companies should not only generate profits but also shoulder social responsibiliti
At a global scale, businesses in general are responsible for making profit and for the thrive of the economy. On the other hand, it is claimed that there are several social policies companies should adopt. This is partia
In order to develop and scale a company, businesses have always sought to make a profit, but I do believe that firms should not only focus on boosting the company’s revenue but also should do more for society
felt so bad in the morning.. So I went to the pharmacy. And I try speaking to Chemist about my symptom.
Some people believe that firms should have social obligations in addition to being only commercial ones. I completely concur with your point of view because doing so results in firms making investments in their sustainab
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