IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern world, cars are very increased in every place of the world and the total is very rapid over the past thirty years so, in every , nation there has a big problem with traffic jams. In my , opinion I agree wi
The rise of the automotive industry along with the commercialization campaign of cars ownership triggers consumer needs, presently every person from young to old folk is willing to possess his own car, consequently, cit
The need for people to move from one place to the other for varying reasons, ranging from business to socializing has risen over the years. Car ownership is essential for migration, hence, the enormous increase in its ow
It is often argued that constant traffic jams in many urban areas around the globe are primarily caused by increased car ownership. I believe that this statement can not be true because the main reason for the heavy traf
It is widely argued that the use of private cars has gone up so quickly during over past 30-year period that many urban all over the world are “one serious traffic jam” now. Personally, I strongly agree with this view fo
Over the past few decades, the standard of living of people has improved considerably. Also, it is now seen that they invest in luxury items more than ever before. Some people believe that car ownership has tremendously
Boost in vehicle possession in urban areas has been observed for the last 3 decades. This situation has created "one big traffic jam" globally. I agree with this statement to a great extent. Government should encourage p
It is true that traffic jam is a challenging issue facing the modern world because the uses of car are increasing day by day. I think it is true statement for many reasons and government can be tackled it by doing some s
It is certainly true that over the last few decades, individuals have started owning cars more than ever, and this has resulted in traffic congestion. This essay totally agrees with this statement, and will put forward s
The number of people owning cars has reportedly increased in the last 30 years. It makes cities in the entire world have to deal with serious issues of traffic congestion. I believe that in these days, it truly occurs as
There is no denying the fact that Nowadays traffic jams are dramatically increasing due to the immense way of used cars.Although there are many solutions to this issue, we are becoming so comfortable in our own manner t
Car is very important for people in the present year. Also, cars are highly increased over 30 years in all places around the world. So, the growing number of cars is affected by traffic jams. In my ,opinion I think that
The rates of traffic congestions in cities have lifted since last thirty years due to increasing of car numbers per individual. I mostly agree with this statement because private vehicles cause to jamming in traffic, par
In the last years, traffic congestion increased really fast within big towns due to the rise of car's popularity. I believe that this statement is true and this essay will give evidence of my belief and will also propose
The number of individuals who own a car has become a growing trend. This has caused many problems in relation to the environment and the citizens. I personally think that there are many ways in which government can deal
The skyrocketing raise in the number of people possessing private vehicles in the last three decades has increased the frequency of car blockages on city streets worldwide. This essay will examine whether this is the re
Nowadays, in all of the cities in the world the amount of driving cars on the road are numerous that is the most reliable proof about the quantity of ownership. Although the number of traffic jams aren’t appeared too muc
Nowadays, the tendency of purchasing private vehicles such as cars has risen dramatically in the 3 decades , especially in the 10 years and it is a reason why some of the big cities on the Earth become “one big traffic j
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