IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to refer Mrs Johan a 25 weeks pregnant lady to your care, who requires a home visit and further management. She is being discharged today.
At present, all countries resemble as there are no differences in the preferences of civilization whether it is food, clothing, cinemas and many more. With the advancement in every field,each and every country tries to m
As majority of the people across the globe prefer to put on the same style of clothes, use the same brands, watch the same entertainment channels, and have similar eating habits, the variance amongst all the countries
Increasing globalization has blurred the line between nations in terms of the clothes they wear, the TV channels they watch, or their dining habits. I think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This situation has s
The world today we live in has changed rapidly around us, and with the advent of globalisation people belonging to different culture and backgrounds are spreading across the globe. It’s true that this has lead to people
In recent times, people from around the world from different cultures tend to follow similar culinary habits, dressing mannerisms and also use the same products and services. While some believe that this paradigm shift h
Nowadays, people all around the world from different cultures tend to follow the same habits and lifestyles and getting closer to each other. Although it may cause destroy some values, which heritage from our ancestors t
It is true that countries become more and more similar because people around the world buy the same brands, eat food alike and watch identical TV shows. There are more disadvantages than advantages.
It is true that countries become more and more similar because people around the world buy the same brands, eat food alike and watch similar TV shows. There are more disadvantages than advantages.
Cultural discrepancies start to disappear in the last years.In our times, people tend to prefer and have similar advertisements, type of clothes, dishes and watching the same type of movies.I believe that this behaviour
Earlier each country had its specific art and culture. Recently, it has become difficult to differentiate the countries with respect to art,culture, food, programmes, as people share almost the same style. However, I wil
In recent years differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world, people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. I strongly believe that the a
The advent of modernization, has led to globalization amongst each territory. Today world has become one global village in terms of fashion, brands of advertising as well as eating habits and television channels. There a
Globalisation has accomplished that people from all around the globe follow the same fashion, rock bands, TV shows and even have the same food to eat. This has clearly more benefits to society than negative points and in
All countries are creating a better relationship with neighbour and other nations. One can see the similar society looks, clothing, food and even entertainment sources in all parts of the earth. This essay will discuss b
Increasing globalization has blurred the line between nations in terms of the clothes they wear, the TV channels they watch, or their dining habits. I think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Globalization has accomplished that people from all around the globe follow similar fashion and rock bands, watch the same shows on TV, buy the same products and even have the same food to eat. This has clearly more bene
The world is becoming a ‘Global Village’ more and more each day. Globalisation has increased the spread of fashion, advertising, brands, food and TV channels so people around the world share the same lifestyle. In my opi
The world is becoming a ‘Global Village’ more and more each day. Gloalibalisaton has increased the spread of fashion, advertising, brands, food and TV channels so people around the world share the same lifestyle. In my o
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