Nowadays, to get a university degree, students have to pay costly tuition fees. Not all of them can afford it, and, as a result, a question arises whether education ought to be free for everyone or not. In my opinion, m
There is an increase in the number of students enrolling in core majors since many colleges have implemented free admission fees for everyone. This scheme has cultivated a highly qualified workforce and promoted scientif
Many people believe that when students study in the university, they should not pay any money. In my opinion, I agree with this view because this can help students continue their education and also, many people in the co
There is a common belief that the government should fund education and healthcare and it should be provided free for the general public. I completely disagree with this opinion because education and healthcare both are
Nowadays, the number of private schools is growing rapidly. Many people believe that private school’s curriculum is better than state schools and wealthy individuals send their offspring to private schools. However, it i
In modern society, people’s perspectives on education and healthcare have diverged. With the evolving social landscape, the question of whether the government should provide education and healthcare accessible to all wit
Administration ought to cover teaching expenses as well as health-related spendings and therefore these areas need to be chargeless to all women and men. I totally agree with this statement because low-income group shoul
In the discourse surrounding education, there's a prevailing notion that it's a luxury reserved for those who can afford it. However, I staunchly disagree with this perspective. study is not a privilege; it's a basic hum
The pursuit of knowledge is the most generic thing for mankind in the 21st century. Therefore, it must be of no cost regardless of the monetary status of the individuals.I strongly advocate with the view that study shoul
The idea that the government should pay for everyone's education and healthcare and make them free is based on the belief that being able to learn and stay healthy are basic rights for everyone. People who agree with thi
There is a rising question of whether education should be considered a basic human right and is provided free for everyone. Personally, I totally agree with the freedom to access education for everyone.
In the present day, education is one of the most important field in a country. Formal education should can be accessed by many people from different status and can not be a leisure thing. In my opinion, I firmly agree th
It is believe that education is the fundamental right of society and must be accessible to everyone without their wealth status.In this essay, i will explain why i completely agree with this statement and provide coheren
In this era, students must pay a large sum of money to pursuit university education. This task can not be solved by every one, which start the concern that said fee should be removed. In my opinion, the statement is not
Education and health care service are considered to be the necessity for everyone as it is their right to receive the same amount of quality and service. This essay agrees that government should provide free access of ed
The government is expected to play a big role in improving the life quality of its people. Especially in public sector areas like education and health care where it is considered a basic need of any humankind. It is agre
While some people argue that the government of many developed countries should not spend a significant amount of taxpayers’ money on art forms, other’s hold the view that spending taxpayers’ money on this purpose is impo
A significant number of people out there hold the perception that schools as well as healthcare delivery should be supported by the state and should be accessible to everyone without any charge. This essay shall vehement
In this present world, education is considered by many to be a very crucial part of life. The studies should be available for everyone. In my opinion, I firmly agree that schooling must be costless without regard to fina
It's thought that medical services as well as education should be free for the the public. In this essay, I will illustrate my opinion in addition to some justifications.