IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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While it may be right to say that having personal information of the candidate while applying for jobs is mandatory it helps the employer or the management to know about the individual’s background. No doubt, work exper
Nowadays, it is becoming common for the employer to be asked about personal information. They are asked about hobbies, interests, and marriage status. However, some people believe that this information may be relevant an
Nowadays finding appropriate Job vacancies position to apply is really hard. Some employers ask candidates for their personal information such as their relations, hobbies, and interest. Some people agree that this kind o
Nowadays, job candidates sometimes have been asked questions that are not relevant to their next position. Job hire can be asked about their private lives like marriage status or even their activities or concern. There
Employers sometimes reuqest individuals applying for jobs for personal information, namely their hobbies and interests, and whether they are married or single. Some individuals say that this information may be relevant a
A company is a group of people who work together to achieve one core objective. Hence in the modern world employee employer relationship found as a vital factor for organizational growth. Therefore, employers tend to lea
In the modern, world employee employer relationship found as a vital factor for organizational growth. Therefore, companies tend to learn more about their workers. Accordingly, obtaining the personal information of a pot
The details required during an interview vary; this sometimes depends on the company policies or the person conducting the interviews. More information on preferred leisure activities, and family/marital history is some
It is argued that people applying for work are asked for personal data like their sporting activities, interests and marital status. However, some believe that it is not necessary to ask for such details. In my own opini
Few people feel that asking personal questions by employers in an interview has a positive impact and others oppose it. In this essay, I will discuss both opinions along with my point of view.
Nowadays , many occupations require a plenty of personal information that might be irrelevant to the work. people have extreme points of view toward this situation and I am going to explain why in this essay.
Nowadays , many occupations require plenty of personal information that might be irrelevant to the work. people have extreme points of view toward this situation and I am going to explain why in this essay.
Some people argue that personal information carries weight when applying for a job, while others say this information has no significance. In this essay, I will explain why I agree with the former opinion because it can
In the process of job application, some employers may ask for personal information such as hobbies, marital status, interests and so on. Some individuals argue that these details can be important and pertinent for the jo
Some people believe that collecting personal details from job seekers by business owners like their marital status and things they enjoy doing during their leisure time is significant whereas others think it is not impor
Some people are of the view that, collecting personal details from job seekers by business owners like their marital status and things they enjoy doing during their leisure time is significant whereas others think it is
It is a well-known fact that people’s pastimes and enthusiasms are directly related to their characteristics. Therefore, some employers assume that knowing their applicants’ interests or marital status could assist them
In today's job application process, it has become common for employers to request personal information from candidates, such as their hobbies, interests, and marital status. While some individuals argue that this informa
Needing personal information for jobs is becoming increasingly controversial. Some people say that employers sometimes ask about the personal data of applicants which is beneficial. While others think the opposite of the
Today, some companies like to ask applicants for personal information because they think that it is useful to find out a potential employee and others think this is irrelevant. There are two views that I will discuss bel
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