IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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We have seen many negative changes : the Earth becomes warmer as well as the dramatical rising in oceans levels are one of the burning issues we face up to these day.This essay will point out these problems and from my
Global warming becomes serious problems in the world in those days. Moreover, rising sea levels in rapid speed. According to this, the main issues are the expansion of the water and melting glaciers. In this essay, I wil
Climate change is among the major culprits threatening humanity in this century and ocean levels keep increasing considerably. This essay will discuss the problems caused by this phenomenon and suggest several solutions
Global warming Warming is among the major dangers threatening humanity in this century, and ocean levels keep increasing drastically. This essay will discuss the problems caused by this phenomenon, namely that is land l
Climate change is among the greatest dangers hungmans facein this century, and ocean levels keep increasing dramatically. This essay will discuss about the problems and come up with some possible solutions to them.
The rise in global temperature is among the greatest dangers human face in this century, and ocean levels keep increasing dramatically. This essay will discuss the problems associated with this phenomenon and suggest som
Since the dawn of civilisation, climate change has been menacing life on earth while sea levels are rising dramatically. This essay will discuss the major issues of these including overuse of automobiles and cutting down
Since the dawn of civilisation, climate change has been menacing life on earth. Furthermore, sea levels are rising dramatically. This essay will expound the majors issues of these including overuse of automobiles and cut
Global warming is one of the serious problems that mankind is facing these days. This essay discusses the major threats associated with the rising sea levels caused by global warming including flooding and the disappeara
Global warming causes the polar ice to melt, making the sea levels rise higher and higher at  alarming rates. This essay will discuss the causes and possible solutions.
One of the growing concerns in our modern world is the fact that human is endangered by both global warming and the rise of sea levels at alarming rates. There are a variety of possible reasons for this, but steps can de
The increase in human population and activities that lead to the obvious climate change in the world surrounding us. The noticeable rise of the planet's temperature and sea levels can be attributed to increasing defores
Climate change is among the principal dangers facing people this century, and ocean levels are increasing dramatically. This essay will first suggest that the biggest problems caused by this phenomenon are the loss of la
Climate change has been considered one of the significant perils in this century because it leads to dramatically increasing ocean levels. This essay will discuss the problem related to this phenomenon and suggest an ef
Climate change has been considered one of the significant perils in this century because it leads to dramatically increasing the ocean levels. This essay will discuss the problems related to this phenomenon and suggest e
Global warming is a huge threat to the whole world. The consequences of it are threatening for future generations. What is more, it influences countries, weather, development of economy and standards of living. However,
Climatic conditions over the world have been changing drastically and mankind is dealing with the adverse impact of a rise in temperatures globally that in turn leading to ascending levels of seawater at a pace which we
With the increase in worlds population and the greater demand for supplies, industries are in a constant grow pace to attend this demand. One of the consequences of this trend is the effects on the environment caused by
One of the most urgent problems facing mankind is the risk posed from ever-rising sea levels, which is one of the impacts of global warming. This creates several issues such as flooding, the loss of coastal land, and mas
Climate change has become one of the most phenomenon challenges to all species on the planet since the 20th Century. Due to this, the level of seas has been continually increasing in most parts of the world. This essay w
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