IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is certainly true that health services are a general requirement and part of life. Private agencies and hospitals provide excellent services to patients, however, they become extremely costly for common persons. Rega
Private health services are getting less reachable, due to the priced medicines, decreased public support, and higher cost in hospitals. While those services usually ensure the quality and further research, this essay st
Today, patients have been investigating the best treatment for coming healthy. Thereafter, Health services have been an initial essential, but unfortunately, these personal companies are extremely expensive, so that the
Health service, which is assumed as the most indispensable part of society, is said to be expensive for customary people. In this essay, why the advantages of private health care are superior will be addressed.
Health services are necessary for a society and some private companies offer this service by receiving more money from people for their private service. Having better quality and being less crowded is its merits and bein
In our world where diseases and physical or mental troubles exist access to health services is essential. Some people rather use private companies for their medical appointments and treatment whereas most of the ordinar
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