IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In many nations, teenagers are involved in various kind of paid employment. Some would argue that it is totally wrong, while others say that it is fine for children to gain work experience. This essay disagrees for allow
These days, the works are available for different ages, and some jobs are for children . So, some people think that is a wrong idea, while others think to learn and get experience, children should participate in some ty
It is undoubtly believed that children should learn not only hard skills but also soft skills through various experience. Some assert that children can improve their sense of responsibility by involving in paid work, whi
Recently, the phenomenon of putting kids in works which are related to making payments and its corresponding impacts has sparked a heated debate . Although contested by many that the matter of above-mentioned issue is hi
In contemporary society, the question of "Should schoolchildren have jobs?" has consistently been a topic of interest among the masses. Some individuals champion the notion that this is totally a wrong decision to allow
An argument persists over the involvement of children in paid employment. Some people vehemently condemn it, arguing it is fundamentally wrong, while others believe it to be extremely vital as it instils essential life s
On our days, some countries decide that youngsters have to work in some paid work but some people thinks that’s wrong but others see some advantage on these practice like taking experience and it is a good way for learin
On the topic of children paid work, I stay in the side of the people who say it is completely wrong and don’t agree with the others who thinks it is valuable work experience.
Many people regard work as an experience that is found outside school. In numerous countries, youngsters are participating in the work that they get paid. Some say it is good for children’s experiences and also teach the
By developing countries over the last years, there are different situation about raising a child and many options can be considered. Some parents are taking hard to their children and put pressure on them to start a job
While some people argue that child labour is unethical and should be avoided, others argue that the work experience they gain will lead to potential advantages. In my opinion, I believe that it has a negative impact on
In the past few years, life has become really tough for many people and because of the ever increasing living expenses some people send their children to earn to lessen the load. In some cases, children of fatherless fam
Children are involved in many types of paymant job in some regions. some people consider this a utterly wrong, whereas others argue that it is invaluable job experience. This essay would argue that despite the
In a lot of countries children are occupied in something similar to a paid work. While somebodies consider it totally incorrect, others are convinced that is beneficial work experience. In my opinion, i believe that havi
in many nations, children are involved in various types of employment. some would say that this is utterly wrong, while others state that it is fine on the grounds that it prepares them for living after school as workfa
Nowadays, more and more adolescents are working for salaries or to maintain job skills, however, some individuals claim that is totally wrong while others say it is valuable to job experience, necessary for discipline an
Children are encouraged to do some paid jobs in several countries. It is believed by a few people that this phenomenon can be an interesting activity for children in their learning, while others argue as a mistake. From
In many countries of the world has discussion between two opinion of paid work from children. One part of people suppose that this is completely wrong, while others think that it is important experience of working. My po
While many people claim that children should not be engaged in any kind of paid work, others argue that it is valuable for them to experience different activities learning something from that.
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