IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people choosing to buy foreign food instead of local food. I do believe that there are many reasons behind this phenomenon and we can implement numerous methods to foster local
Around the world, an increasing number of people are opting to purchase imported groceries instead of locally produced food. This is happening due to perceived quality, however action could be taken to promote the consum
In today digital's age, the priority of choosing to purchase foreign food become gradually favoured rather than local food. This writer believes that the perceived quality and safety standards of imported food is the rea
Around the world, an increasing number of communities are opting to purchase imported groceries instead of locally produced feed. This happens due to availability, however, action could be taken to promise the consumptio
In this modern era, there is a rise in people who prefer imported food to local food, which derives from a current trend. However, this can be tacked by encouraging advertising of the local food.
in recent years, in different nations in the world where the inhabitants opt for food from other countries instead of local groceries. This is happening due to the good quality of foreign food. However, action could be t
In this modern era, there is a rise in people who are prefer imported food than local food, which derives from a current trending. However, this can be tacked by encourage advertising of the local food.
Around the world, an increasing number of people are opting to purchase imported groceries instead of locally produced food. The primary reason for this is the high standard of foreign food; however, action could be take
Around the world, an increasing number of people are opting to purchase imported groceries instead of locally produced food. This is happening due to the high standard of foreign food, however, action could be taken to p
Around the world, an increasing number of people are opting to purchase imported groceries instead of locally produced food. This is happening due to the high standard of foreign food, however, action could be taken to p
n some nations, an increasing number of people decide to buy imported food rather than local food because of varieties of food and better costs. However, this can be tackled by developing local products about quality an
Around the world, an increasing number of people are opting to purchase imported groceries instead of locally produced food. This is happening due to a variety of options, however, action could be taken to promote the co
In modern life, lots of people tend to buy imported food rather than food produced in their country. Imported food is very good for people to use because of having a new flavor as well as provides many vitamins and miner
It is in a plethora of nations that an increasingly high number of civilians tend to purchase food outside their country. This author believes that the key of this major problem stems from consumers' ego, yet it can be s
Using imported food is a trend for people in the modern era. There is an increasing number of people around the world who are opting to purchase imported food instead of locally produced food. This is happening because
Using imported food is a trend for people in the modern era. There is an increasing in number of people in around the world are opting to purchase imported food instead of locally produced food. This is happening because
It is believed that, in some nations their citizens would prefer to purchase imported food than local food. This writer thinks that the main reason for this issue is the condition of the products, however, the consumptio
A number of nations show that most of their citizens have used imported food from abroad rather than local food because of the quality of food. However, the community ought to choose national food in order to improve the
It is true that citizens from lots of nations prefer to buy imported food produce than local ones. However ,it can be solved by improve quality and put more advertising.
In the modern world , many individuals opt for buying foreign food instead of local food production . The main reason is the high standard of them. However , this can be tackled by improving the quality of local food to
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