IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days pruchasing any items online have become more convenient than using cash. The inceased reliance on electronic payment has driven a several compelling reasons, namelly the enhanced effectiveness and innovation.
In the era of fast-paced lives, at the centre of technology lies the cellphones which are accessible for every society. Inevitably, daily purchases using mobile phones are gradually becoming famous among people which are
In this contemporary era, an increasing number of citizens globally, are adopting the usage of digital payments via smartphones applications as the primary mode of transaction. I strongly believe that this trend has mult
It is true that a number of nations follow digitalisation policies, therefore, paying for things by using mobile phones through apps is trending. However, this development has some merits and demerits. I believe that the
In this ultra-modern world, it is rare to find a person untouched by cellphone apps because their presence is felt in every corner of this world across society, genders and age groups. Owing to this, The mode of payment
In the world's modern society, smartphones might be a necessary part of living survival because people use them for most of every transaction purchase. This essay will illustrate the benefits that outweigh the drawbacks
In the world's modern society, smartphones might be a necessary part of living survival because people use them for most of every transaction purchase. This essay will illustrate the benefits outweigh the drawbacks rega
In today’s world, technology has become more advanced, and it helps people a lot to do their daily chores. In my point of view, out of these one of the highlighted role is played by smartphones. This essay further elabor
The widespread adoption of mobile phones as a payment tool is indeed a significant global trend. Many nations are using mobile applications to facilitate people doing transactions only from their screens. It is prompting
With the enhancement of technology, physical money is being replaced by electonic or soft cash. It helps an individual to pay with the help of mobile phone application with a single tap. In my opinion it has numerous adv
A trend that is spreading throughout many nations is the usage of smartphone applications for payment processing. There are some drawbacks to this trend, but they are outweighed by a number of benefits.
The use of payment apps is becoming more popular in different countries around the globe. This essay discusses why the benefits of this phenomenon, such as convenience and safety, surpass the drawbacks of individuals som
Making payments by using mobile phone banking has become increasingly in terms of popularity. Although this approach has both benefits and drawbacks, I personally believe its merits outweigh the demerits. In this essay,
Mobile apps are widely used for digital transactions in many nations. Although sometimes these could be vulnerable to fraud, these are a much more convenient payment method. In my perspective, it is the essentials of the
Nowadays, e-banking has become popular. In the majority parts of the world, the usage of e-pay apps has been promoted. In this essay, I will look at the disadvantages of online banking before turning to the advantages an
Nowadays online payment is popular in all over the globe. After considering the benefits and drawback , as per my opinion advantages of this scenario outweighs disadvantages. This essay discuss the reason behind my view.
As technologies develop, they become intertwined with various aspects of our lives. One example of this is mobile banking systems that gradually replace traditional payment methods. While I admit that there are certain c
With the development of technology, scientists and producers could make modern objects to change the world. One of the important products is the mobile phone which modifies human life. People in some nations use the apps
Nowadays, Technology is becoming more popular day by day and at the same time proves so beneficial to every person in society. With so many latest devices, Mobile phones are the best of them and now become a need of eve
Using mobile apps to pay has become more popular in many states. Although making a payment through phones poses security risks, this essay believes that this practice offers more benefits to people because it brings conv
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