IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, significant advancements have been made in mobile phones and apps, which are changing the transaction methods between buyers and sellers. people are using numerous mobile applications to pay their day-to
The increasing adoption of mobile phone apps for payments across various nations signifies a significant shift in the way transactions are carried out. This trend has both advantages and disadvantages, but on balance, th
In recent decades with developing of technology and Internet .the payment process become more used than the old methods .in this essay I will discuss the merits of it.
Since the first "smartphone" was introduced by Steve Jobs in 2007, it has changed the way we live today. Nowadays, people rely on their smartphones to do the jobs of numerous devices, not merely for calling and texting.
The use of mobile payment apps is rapidly increasing around the world, as people are drawn to their convenience and speed. While there are some concerns about the security of these apps, I believe that the advantages out
In many nations, the usage of cellular mobile applications in the payment of goods is becoming more and more frequent. I believe, this trend has more benefits than drawbacks and this essay will illustrate this in the for
Nowadays, our technology has developed and started to upgrade day by day. Worldwide people are paying for the apps which they need and becoming popular. I strongly believe it is advantageous for personal growth as well
Nowadays technology is playing major role in day to day life. It has made almost all activities very much easier. It has given us many benefits. One of the main benefits in today's life is ' online payment' . today I'm
Nowadays, societies all over the world are connected by mobile phones through the Internet. Many things are changing in a very short period of time, including mobile apps that used to be free and now many of them have a
Advancement in technology has affected every sector and created new avenues. It has also transformed how we make payments today. Transactions using mobile phone applications such as digital wallets are becoming increasin
Today, payment for everything can be done with mobile phone functions in many countries. It can be helpful for youngsters who usually do not bring their smartphones. Besides, this condition can create the opportunity for
In this era of modernisation, technology plays an inherent and critical role in everyone's life. There is a rapid increase in spending money electronically through various applications in several countries. Development i
Nowadays, is becoming increasingly common to paid by cellphone apps. This essay will explore the advantages an disadvantages of this payment digitalization. Furthermore, it could be said that one of the biggest advantag
The advent of mobile phones has replaced a lot of time-consuming activities performed by grown-ups, for example - visiting banks. The modern world is stepping towards digital transactions, as many countries are progressi
Recently, more and more citizens have tended to purchase items with e-money via smartphone apps in various nations. I agree that the benefits of this human behaviour evolution outweigh the drawbacks. This essay will elab
It is true that using smartphones for pay has a significant role in this century. Although, some people accept that this type of technology has many downsides. I personally believe that we are living on the cutting edge
It is indisputable that many people often make transactions, not only within the city but also with people from other countries. Nowadays, using smartphones for payment has become popular in many countries. Despite there
Nowadays many countries are going for digitisation which includes paying with your smartphone apps, there are many advantages and disadvantages as well, and there are many opinions, some people find it convenient. Howeve
In today's modern era, the integration of cell phones into daily life has witnessed a significant rise. While mobile phones offer numerous benefits that enhance convenience, several concerns associated with their usage c
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