IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the technological century, the payment system became digitised. In many countries, using mobile phones for purchase payment has become widespread. This recent decision may be helpful for modern man and, in my opinion,
Nowadays since in the majority of countries internet became a primary resource, it increased many innovations exponentially and online transactions via phone became one of the most effective and efficient ones. People
Nowadays, most people around the globe own a mobile phone, and they normally bring it along everywhere they go. They have been increasingly depending on mobile payment apps for their everyday spending. This development i
The method of make payment has been changed in recent decades. Because of the technology developments, most of people choose using cellphone apps such as Alipay instead of paying by credit card or cash. I believe the ben
It is true that mobile payment has become a popular trend in most countries, some people stand for this change while others show concerns. From my perspective, the advantages of such new technology outweigh the disadvant
The rise of financial technology enables people in many countries to use mobile wallets and banking apps in their daily life. I believe this trend brings tangible benefits to both businesses and individuals.
In most countries, online payment through cellphone apps is becoming increasingly common. While this trend may have some disadvantages, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
In the technology era, it is true that spending money on things using mobile phone apps is becoming more and more usually in some regions. Personally, I think it is more benefits to this social phenomenon appearing.
In the modern era, many countries use online payment through mobile phones. It is very popular nowadays because they are easy to transfer wage without going outside. My inclination is more elaborating with upcoming parag
In recent years, paying for goods and services through mobile phone apps has become a widespread phenomenon in many countries. While there are some disadvantages associated with this development, I believe that the advan
In recent years, there are certain countries where online payment transactions using mobile phone applications dramatically increased. Some people say that it is benificiar. However, some individuals are argue it. In thi
Developments in technology ease the lifestyle day by day. Mobile phone is an essential need nowadays and technological advancement brings everything into this small device. This essay will discuss the weights of pros and
there is no doubt that online shopping these days is one of the most used trades on the internet. there are some believe that paying items with their mobile phone is more beneficial, others argue that this may cause a lo
In every aspect of life nowadays,some people always try to make money.Paying for mobile phone apps is a manifestation of a mindset like this.I believe the disadvantages outweigh the advantages as even being helpful to
In the modern era, Google Pay and Apple Pay application are becoming popular in order to buy different kinds of goods. However, mobile payments have complex procedures, but it becomes more convenient due to their one-cl
Mobile phone usage and mobile technology increasing in most countries. As a result, usage of the mobile application based payment processing drastically raising. In this essay I would discuss the pros and cons of this tr
In this current age, the idea of app developers making people pay for cellphone apps is becoming a fast-rising trend. In as much as these may have some cons, the benefits are magnanimous. This passage will elaborate on t
There is no denying that thanks to mobile phone apps, many things can be met communities’ own needs by communities. This app continues to be developed by the year. These are labour-saving and getting common in the world
We are dwelling in a modernisation,where smartphones give a good platform to do payments by using online apps such as phonepe , Paytm etcetera. This trend is rising frequently all over the world. The falling essay shall
Nowadays, many modes of payment has been emerge worldwide. Purchasing things using a cellular phone has become popular in numerous countries. In this , essay I will discuss both pros and cons of using smartphones app for
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