In this fast-moving society, new technologies are introduced from time to time and especially during the pandemic situation people tend to pay for their needs using mobile and it has been started to spread rapidly acros
In this fast-moving society, new technologies are introduced from time to time and especially during this pandemic situation people tend to pay for their needs using mobile and it has been started to spread rapidly acro
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is using of a smart phone. It is undeniable that a mobile phone has become an essential part of our life. As a result, there is a great number of citizens in many countries buy
Nowadays, the revolution in technology changes our life to a great extent. Making cash of purchase through mobile phone app gains a lot of limelight these days. Hence, this development benefits us in plenty of ways with
The development of technology such as smartphone and internet has signifiacntly changed people life. Nowadays, use of Internet banking that use only mobilephone and irrespective of physical cash are popular in many count
Nowadays, digital transformation is crucial in everything that we do including banking. The introduction of e-wallet in many countries provides great experience in commerce transactions compared to the drawbacks.
Nowadays, it is getting extremely popular to use financial programs in order to pay the bills, taxes and etc. In my opinion, there are some advantages like reducing the use of some materials such as plastic that is not a
The advent of the digital revolution and constant development in mobile technology has enabled mankind to operate almost everything from the click of a button. As per reports, of World Bank almost 72% of the entire world
A smartphone is no more just a calling device, it has evolved to become a small computer with multiple functions and apps such as paying for stuff from the phone itself. Increasingly, more people are using their phones t
Mobile phone apps have revolutionised the way people shop or make online payments. In many nations around the world, it is becoming popular to use these handy cellphone tools to pay for goods and services. This essay wil
Nowadays , with the advent of new technology and advanced communication services , billing with the help of smartphones is getting popular. This essay will discuss do the advantages outweigh disadvantages of this trend.
In the 21st century, with the advent of smartphones, peer-to-peer mobile monetary transactions have gained popularity. The essay will firstly outline the pros related to the use of mobile payments and then state possible
Mobile phone technology is growing very fast day by day. In developed countries such as the USA, Canada, and all European nations where the use of cell phones application for paying bills is very common. In the upcoming
After the surge of smartphones, their efficiency also improves as time passes. However, in the inception of mobile phones, there was a time when people were able to use a large number of apps free of costs, while nowaday
In this modern era, technology is increasing rapidly and mobile phones are no exception. It has found recently, people are making payments to various merchants using their phones. This trend has very much in a boom in de
In this contemporary world, digital money is more flexible way to pay for goods and services using mobile phone apps. This essay will discuss the advantages of mobile apps. Most of the young generation is prefer to use
In this contemporary world, digital money is a more flexible way to pay for goods and services using mobile phone apps. This essay will discuss the advantages of mobile payments. Most of the young generation is prefer to
Nowadays, in a majority of the countries, payments are made through software technology available on electronic devices. This advancement has its own pros and cons as discussed in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, in majority of the countries, payments are made through software technology available on electronic devices. This advancement has its own pros and cons as discussed in the following paragraphs.
Today, we are living in a technological era, where day by day, we are relying more on digital types of equipment to complete our task. It is an undeniable fact that people started doing online payments more nowadays. Al