IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In various nations around the world, life expectancy is now prolonging compared to the past. While a number of people think governments face problems because of old population others opain that elderly people have brough
Nowadays , in many places , adults are more than youngs . Furthermore , birth rate is decreasing. Many people think it is problem for society, however , others disagree to this point . I think although there are several
All over the world, the elderly people each increase then the birth rate in decline. Although there are several advantages of in my opinion the elderly people each increase creates problems for governments then there are
There is a tendency for elderly people to live longer than they were in the past. The essay will first demonstrate that the earlier someone learns an additional language the more likely they are to master it and that it
Other the last few years, increase the number of individuals who living longer than ago at the country as decrease the birth rate among all population. Although there are several advantages of older inhabitants, it can h
In recent years, a lot of individuals prefer live more longer. In my mind, all people willing to live a lot. Moreover, old people becoming more and more. Although, youngs and children also being a little. Furthermore, th
In recent years, many individuals prefer to live longer. In my mind, all people are willing to live a lot. Moreover, the number of old people is increasing. However, the number of young people and children is decreasing.
As a result of low birth rate, the elderly are dying. Although there are several advantages of the number of low fertility rates, it can have some disadvantages as well. I would argue that positive sides of this can outw
Over the last few years, in ageing population is increasing in many countries that is causing for problems in nowadays.Although there are several advantages of overcrowding adults, it can have some disadvantages as wel
It is true that the elderly public has an indispensable role to play in many aspects of contemporary society. Some public harbour a belief that countries with a growing proportion of elderly communities harm our governme
These days, some say an ageing society has some drawbacks for governments while others believe that elderly people bring benefits to our society. In my opinion, an ageing population may outweigh the disadvantages because
There is no denying the fact that nowadays the vast majority of people are living longer than before. while it is a commonly held belief that the proportion of elderly people is increasing and it could create potential i
It is argued whether older individuals are considered an issue for governments . But that might not be the case , people off all ages are equally important in order to form a society . In this essay I will further elabor
Due to the development in medical industries, life expectancy is getting longer and longer. Some see this as negative phenomenon, creating problems to govern, while others admit the benefits of accepting the elder genera
Nowadays, a change of living is increasing. Because of that fact, governments should allocate more attention to maintain the old people but some people think having a lot of experienced society will bring so much benefit
In recent decades, individuals have been changing their habitations to urban areas in many countries. As a result, the countryside is getting empty. Although moving to the capital of the country will be better for people
Currently, it is considered that people living longer than ever before. While some believe that an ageing society appears an issue for governments, some figures oppose this statement. Personally, there are two main point
When talking about the ageing population, elder people's opinions seem to be divergent on such a controversial issue. Some people believe that the ageing population causes problems for society. However, other people take
When talking about the aging population, people's opinions seem to be divergent on such a controversial issue. Some people believe that the aging population causes problems for society. However, other people take the opp
It is undeniable that nowadays people are experiencing a last longer life, comparing to the past. While some people believe that facing this phenomenon turns out various problems for governments, other argue that having
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