IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people argue that governments have problems because of an ageing population, while others believe that more elderly people give benefits to society. In this essay, I will explain why the benefits of having an ageing
Nowadays due to advancements in science, the life span of individuals has increased as compared to in past. It is believed by some that older people create problems for the local authorities, whereas several are of the o
Nowadays due to advancements in science, life span of indiviuals has increased as compared to in past. It is believed by some that older people create problems for the local authorities. On the other hand, few are of the
Nowadays, many countries are becoming ageing which influences all society's infrastructures due to many reasons, such as inflation and not supporting young individuals from the governments, however, people live longer th
These days we heard a lot about the life span’s increase. This means people live more years in their old ages. Some people believe that growth of aged population can make some troubles for governments ,while others think
The population of elderly people in the world is rising as people are living longer than before. This phenomenon has both positive and negative impacts on society. However, this essay will argue that the advantages of ha
The population of elderly people in the world is rising recently as people are living longer than before. This phenomenon indeed has both positive and negative impacts on society. But this essay will contend that on bala
The population of eldery people in the world is rising recently as people are living longer than before. This phenomenon indeed have both positives and negatives impact in society. But this essay will contend that on bal
Many people nowadays live longer than before and many societies argue that it would be a burden at some points. However, there are communities that assume this could benefit them , especially among scientists because the
Many people nowadays live longer than before and many societies argue that it would be burden in some points. However, there are communities that assume this could be benefit them especially among scientist because they
In recent times, numerous countries are witnessing increased longevity, leading to a population of larger elderly people. While some agrue that an ageing population poses difficulties for the government, others believe i
In the current era, there is a tight-knit relationship between all people. Whether the presence of a growing population of the elderly in societies is a positive development is a matter of debate. As far as I am concerne
Presently, the number of people who live longer than past is increasing. some people believe that it is an issue for the government, while others say that elderly humans are more beneficial for society. In my opinion, th
In many nations, life span of people is longer than in the past. Some people say there are problems for the government if countries have a dramatic increase in the proportion of people aged 60 and over. Others say if in
Presently, the number of people who live longer than past is increasing. some people believe that it is an issue for the government, while others say that elderly humans are more beneficial for society. In my opinion, th
For this current years, some population in many states have a long life expectancy. This lead to different opinions about elderly people. Some people believe that elder population creates issue for governments, while oth
In numerous countries, the average lifespan of individuals has significantly increased in recent times. Many people argue that ageing population creates challenges for the government, while others believe that society ma
In recent times, numerous countries have witnessed increased longevity, leading to a community of larger elderly people. While some argue that an ageing population poses difficulties for the government, others believe it
There is no denying the fact that numerous a societies are now living longer than ever before. While It is a commonly held belief that some individuals say an ageing population creates issues
Over the past century, the life span of people all around the world have been increasing so every community nowadays have more and more old person than in the past. Although, some expert argues that it makes huge problem
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