IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the aging population era, raising the retirement age is a topic of debate. While some believe this action brings society advantages, others believe that the disadvantages carry more weight. This essay will discuss bot
In the aging population era, raising the retirement age is a topic of debate. While some believe this action brings society advantages, others believe that the disadvantages carry more weight. This essay will discuss bot
In many parts of the world, the age at which individuals retire from work has been increased. The writer argues the benefit of skills utilization is eclipsed by the downsides of health problems and limit on jobs opportun
Nowadays, regulations for the increasing legal working age have been imposed in some countries, rendering some disputes between advantageous and disadvantageous effects on society. To a certain extent, this occurrence ha
Nowadays, regulations for the increasing legal working age have been imposed in some countries. In my opinion, this phenomenon has more positive aspects than drawbacks.
In contemporary society, it has become increasingly prevalent for nations worldwide to elevate the retirement age as a means of alleviating economic burdens. However, it is my contention that the detriments of worker dis
In several nations, there has been an increase in the retirement age of employees. In my opinion, the benefits of this phenomenon such as a larger skilled workforce are overshadowed by the demerits relating to health iss
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