IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, many of the younger generation tend to spend their time in their rooms. Although there are lots of amusement facilities to entertain people due to recent technological developments, this lifestyle has brought
Around the globe minors are starting to spend a lot of their time indoors. this essay will focus on discussing causes of this problem and trying to provide solutions to it.
Nowadays, children and teenagers like to spend their leisure time indoors rather than outdoors. I believe that there are several factors that might contribute to this issue. However, this can be solved by several measure
Around the globe, minors are starting to spend a lot of their time indoors. this essay will focus on discussing the causes of this problem and trying to provide solutions to it.
Today, in the modern era, the number of young people who prefer to spend time indoors rather than going outside for any activities is increasing dramatically. I am firmly convinced, that
In our modern era, teens and children have a massive tendency to spend their time indoors excessively. There are some factors related to this phenomenon and there are the means by which people can tackle these difficulti
During the ages , in many parts of the world, the preferences of how to spend some free time, have changed. Now children and teenagers tend to prefer to spend their time indoors instead of many other options. Through the
Nowadays, in many countries, there is a trend that shows that children and teenagers tend to spend more and more of their time indoors rather than participating in outdoor activities.
Nowadays, due to many ,factors kids and youths are interested in pass the bulk of their time at home. This number is increasing and causing critical concerns among experts on how the next generations are going to learn s
Several reaserchers said that nowadays these two groups of society (children and teenagers) are stock at home most of the time. It may be because of many elements but we can use measurments to tackle the problem. In
Nowadays, in many parts of the world, children and teenagers hardly leave their homes, preferring to sit in front of a screen instead of being in the open air. This was not the case even as recently as 10 years ago, when
Nowadays, in many parts of the world, children and teenagers hardly leave their homes, preferring to sit in front of a screen instead of being in the open air. This was not the case even as recently as 10 years ago, wh
Generally, in recent times and in many countries around the world , we can clearly notice that the new generation of children and teenager spending much of their time isolated from the outdoors world. In this essay , I w
The environment that children living is quite important to them. It is easy to see lots of teenagers spent more time stay indoor instead of the outdoor activities in nowadays. In my opinion, there must have some reasons
Nowadays, in many countries, more and more youngers are staying inside instead of going outdoors to spend time. In the following paragraphs, I’ll speak my mind and raise some ways of my experiences.
Nowadays, the trend to spend an enormous amount of time closed places, instead of outdoors, is becoming extremely popular between children and teenagers. Indeed, in my country it is possible to note how parks are not cro
It is undeniable that children and teenagers at the present in many parts of the globe are often spending a lot of time to stay indoors their home rather than outdoors. From my point of view, many causes and solutions to
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