IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I totally agree with the official regulations to protect adolescents from danger especially in some areas where crime rates are considerably high. Curfews or boundaries need to be imposed for the teenagers’ safety intere
Freedom to step out from home at night for teens is limited through enforcement of curfew in some parts of US without the presence of an adult. In my opinion, I agree with this decision made by the government of US. This
The US has declared a curfew in certain areas, especially for adolescents. Therefore they won't be able to go out without a guardian after a particular time of night. This decision is quite suitable in my view as crimin
Most of governments used to impose a "curfew"at the emergancy situations.In here youngersters are not accepted to go outside in specific given time periods without guidance of the elder people.As my view, I strongly beli
There are lot of dangerous for human especially adolescents in most cities of the US, ‘curfew’ is imposed, the children between 13-19 age, are not permitted to be out of homes after a pacific time at night, while they ca
The young generation plays an integral role in our lives. No one can deny the fact that in some parts of the region in America, the adolescents are not able to go outside at late night without having their parents or gua
As per the recent news in the United States of America, a curfew is enacted in some cities for six months to control religious issues. This curfew bans youngsters under the age of 16 from travelling out of their homes
In some parts of the United States, young adults could not go out during night time however they would be able to be outside if there was an adult to take care of them. I agree with this opinion on the reason of security
In some parts of the United States, young adults could not go out during night time however they would be able to be outside if there is an adult to take care of them. I agree with this opinion in the reason of security
Due to increasing numbers of crime rates in the United States, the government has been implementing many enforcements to keep civilians especially teenagers from danger. These include a curfew which restricts teenagers f
The imposition of curfew in certain areas of the United States does not allow youth to spend time outside at night unless they move out with an elder. It sparked a debate regarding its necessity and effectiveness . I fir
The future generation's safety is a vital responsibility in today's time. Nowadays, applying the open availability of certain forbidden resources has raised the concern of our today's kid's fortune at risk. This essay wi
Mostly the restrictions are imposed in early teenagers. Through this passage, I got an opportunity to share my opinion regarding the teenage curfew.
These days, the importance of curfew is one of the serious issues that has been discussed not only in the US, but also all over the world. There is a widespread belief among people that this issue is a popular subject of
In my opinion teenage are not allowed go outside unless accompanied by an adult is a good threat because in teenage will do anything for his curiosity and cant choose bad or good. If teenage accompanied by an adult, the
In my opinion, a teenager has their own rights, but I agree if “curfew is impos” because nowadays there is a lot of crime everywhere. The parents also protect their children from crime. Curfew in impos its important not
America has implemented a limitation on the hours that adolescents are allowed to stay outside without an older individual’s company. Personally, I firmly agree with this practice for two main reasons.
in particular places of the US under aged individuals are not allowed to be outside on the street without an adult companion after a certain time at night. Although this restriction may not be beneficial in some circumst
The world is certainly not the safest place specifically when it is dark. Therefore, the young generation is restricted to go out after the sun sets and they must be supervised in other cases. Analysing that I opine, it
Teenage age is a delicate stage in the development of a person, as this is the phase when people begin to discover themself, and have the zeal to explore and make decisions by themself. Lots of teenagers have been known
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