IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are no doubts that in some cities parks and gardens were substituded with gardens where people can plant fruits and vegetables. From my point of view negative sides of the phenomenon outweigh the positive aspects,
we know that public parks and open spaces are being changed into gardens in some cities that local residents can grow fruit and vegetable there. it is clear that it issue has some advantages and some disadvantages.
Many cities worldwide are repurposing open spaces and public parks into farmland. While this trend encourages people to eat more vegetables and connect people during planting activities, the lack of a place to exercise a
Public spaces in many cities are being converted into gardens where local citizens can cultivate their grocery source. Despite the mismanagement that farmers must cope with, a rise in awareness of healthy fruit and impro
Wherther some public parks in cities and spaces are being changed into gardens into gardens where local people can plant their own fruit and vegetables. This writter will argue that the negative impact when people plant
Whether public parks and open spaces are transforming into gardens requires problems related to fruit and vegetables. This writer believes that making spaces for advancing fruit and vegetables overshadows disadvantages.
In this modern era, some urbans repurpose parks as well as open spaces into gardens which allow the local residents to grow fruit or vegetable. This writer believes that the advantages of the connection of people during
In an ever-progressive society, gardens are being constructed to replace unoccupied areas and parks for the public in some metropolitans in order to assist local citizens to grow herbs and fruit. The writer believes that
These days, many large metropolises’ local parks and spaces are being replaced by open gardens where surrounding citizens can plant crops. It is the opinion of this writer that the benefits of providing green spaces and
In modern times, some parks and open spaces are going to be turned into public gardens where people in the same area can plant their desired kinds of greens and fruits. From my point of view, I am convinced that this is
In many urban areas, open spaces and public parks are being repurposed into gardens so that local people can use them to plant their own vegetables and fruit. This writer is of the opinion that self-product and connect p
In this contemporary world, public parks and open spaces are replaced by gardens in order to grow fruit and vegetables for their own meals while there are some disadvantages to the replacement. I contend that the drawba
In the modern era, open spaces and public parks have been removed and replaced with gardens where individuals can plant their own vegetables and fruit. This writer believes that having gardens will encourage consuming he
There are a repurpose from public spaces to public gardens by the government for residential. From this writer’s perspective, the raise of awareness in healthy agricultural products and community activities can outweigh
Public parks and open slot will be replaced by gardens in some metropolist that local people can plant their own fruits and vegetables. The writer of this essay will give the point about the advantages and disadvantages
In many metropolitans, green spaces are turned into public garden, where residents plant their own trees. This writer believes the advantages of healthy eating and connecting to other people outweigh the disadvantage of
In the modern age, some parks and outdoor spaces for the community are being repurposed for gardens to grow natural foods. This author believes that the drawbacks of environmental problems and hard management outweigh th
In the minority of metropolitans, spaces in public are being utilized to build community gardens for inhabitants to grow their own plants. It is the opinion of this author that the benefit of protecting the environment i
Nowadays, in most citis, the outside places and parks are being replaced by the gardens where the citizens can make their own food such as vegetables or fruits. I contend that although food is the most essential sources
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