IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many cities around the world are repurposing open spaces and public parks into farmland. While this trend encourages people to eat more vegetables and connect people during planting activities, I believe the lack of a pl
It is believed that natural public amenities are rebuilt into gardens due to the expectation of local inhabitants to grow beneficial vegetation. This essay will show the inconvenience of lacking entertainment areas outwe
In many urban areas, open spaces and public parks are being repurposed into gardens so that local people can use them to plant their own vegetables and fruit. This writer is of the opinion that self-producing and connect
A considerable discussion point is whether social parks and free spaces are being converted into gardens where inhabitants can plant personal products. This writer contends that the benefit of raising awareness of health
It is believed that public parks and open spaces need to be replaced by gardens to grow fruit and vegetables. I believe that the drawbacks of this far outweigh the benefits.
In day digital age, some city councils plan to replace public parks for local residents and expand spaces to make places for many natural gardens which are grown organic vegetables and fruit. This author believes the ben
Whether urban areas ought to replace parks and spaces with gardens to promote agriculture is a recurring argument. This writer argues that the benefits of encouraging consuming healthily and raising awareness of health o
In light of the proliferation of amenities, agricultural lands are now sorely lacking causing dwellers to repurpose numerous open spaces into farming sites. Although it may indeed have potential drawbacks to society, it
Open spaces and parks in many cities are being altered by gardens in which inhabitants are able to plant vegetables and fruit on their own. While this trend carries some drawbacks, this writer argues that the benefits of
A considerable discussion point is whether social parks and free spaces are being converted into gardens where inhabitants can plant personal products. This writer contends that the benefit of raising awareness of health
A prevalent trend occurring frequently in the modern day is individuals inclined towards having their own places for growing fresh vegetables rather than spaces for community and society. Although many point out that cit
In an ever-progressive society, there is a trend towards using public parks and open spaces for local residents to grow fruit and vegetables. This situation contains a lot of impacts that outweigh its benefits to society
Recent readers indicate that amenities for social demand such as parks are replaced by gardens that are used for plants in urban areas. This writer believes that the advantages of this change cannot outweigh the negative
The concept of repurposing public parks and open spaces into gardens for residents to cultivate plants is gaining traction in certain areas. While there are clear advantages to this approach, I contend that the drawbacks
These days in several cities public spaces such as parks are being converted into gardens in order to support local dwellers to plant fruit and vegetables. This trend has merits and demerits as well.
In some metropolises, recreational spaces such as parks and open zones are getting transformed into agricultural areas for local people to plant their own fruit and vegetables. The essay will examine the advantages and d
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