In this contemporary era, study patterns are being changed fastly for students and they are encouraged to work and travel after finishing high school, which is generally accepted as a good practice ;however, some people
These days, due to the advancement in technologies, machinery and awareness it has become really difficult for a senior secondary student to decide a career in various fields. In some countries, teenagers are motivated t
These days, due to advancement of technologies, machinery and awareness it has become really difficult for a senior secondary student to decide the career in various fields. In some countries, teenagers are motivated to
Finding a job or visiting new places became a new trend among young people in different countries for a timespan before studying at university. This timespan is called a "gap year" which can give an understanding of fut
Taking a gap year for job or travel is encouraged in some nations before pursuing the further education. This essay will discuss two major benefits: could enhance their work skills and choose the right career. However, t
In some parts of the world, taking a year off from school called a gap year is promoted. It is usually when a student just graduated high school and prior to getting a post-secondary education, and during this time, they
Working or travelling after you have finished high school I think is a great idea for every student.All of us know well that exams and learning during those years have too much pressure for everyone.According to me has
There is an idea in some societies that encourages the young generation to take one year gap between finishing high school and starting university studies. Several positive points are associated with this option, such as
There is an idea in some societies that encourages the young generation to take one year gap between finishing high school and starting university studies. There are several positive points associated with this option su
Gap year is often an option that are taken by students. Taking a year off from study comes with benifits on having opportunities for individuals to develop new skills, and to discover their passions. On the other hand, t
The education plays a vital role in our life. Even though, despite of knowing the importance of it there are few nations which have a belief that along with adherence of knowledge their is a necessity to spend some spare
Taking a gap year to do a job or to explore between high school and going to university is a developing trend in few nations. A break from the study for work gives students on the field experience and insight into the
In the contemporary epoch, there is irrefutable debate among folk about practical experiences or trips contrary to the past. While it is doable to petition that owing to numerous advantageousness such as hands-on exposur
Taking a year off is becoming increasingly in young people for working and travelling before attending the third level education. This essay will suggest that experience gained and money saved are the biggest advantages
Nowadays, many graduated students might consider applying for an overseas working holiday programme before their university studies compared to a decade. Let us illustrate those pros and cons perspectives for taking up
In some parts of the world, it is common that students to have one year break when they graduate. Some of them who are from wealthy families would like to go to travel and some economically vulnerable students would rath
In some ,countries students are commonly suggested to spend the gap year between high school and university travelling or working.Some people believe that it is a good idea as young people can learn a new skill and be m
Nowadays, it becomes very common from young people to take break that before join job or after complete their graduation. The main benifit of this trends to gain some knowledge and experience of something but the another
One year of vacation after finishing high school is given to students as an opportunity to gain work experience or travel to some countries. While it has resulted in many advantages, there are several negative impacts th