IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are pros and cons for students to take a gap year before pursuing further education, whilst youth are able to expand their horizons by travelling and gaining working experience, there are some drawbacks that should
In recent times, around the globe, youngsters are motivated for about a moment to work or travel between finishing secondary faculty and proceeding to tertiary institutions for studies. The merits of this development are
In some nations, the younger ones are advised to work or travel for a year between rounding up with high school and resuming university education. Although it is good and has benefits to work for a year in order to make
Nowadays, many countries support youngsters to take a part-time job or go on adventures for a gap year between completing high school and entering higher institutions, so they can become skilful and independent. This es
It is true that some countries encourage their young people so to engage in some work or trips for a year between the end of secondary school and the start of college studies. Above other advantages such as relaxation o
It has come to notice that various nations advise their youngsters to get engaged or embark on a journey for twelve months between completion of secondary school and being admitted into the university. They're lots of m
Nowadays, it is generally seen in most countries that youngsters tend to either embark on holidays or engage in menial jobs after they have come to the end of secondary school before commencement to the university . Th
Some countries persuade youngsters to gain work or travel experience within the period of rounding up secondary school and entry into a University.This essay will discuss the merits which are contributing to the workforc
Nowadays, many countries support youngsters to take a job or go on vacation for a gap year between completing high school and entering a higher institution. This essay will discuss the drawbacks and benefits of this deve
Recently, youths in some nations are advised to work or travel for a year before entering college after completing secondary school. The benefits of this are the opportunity to learn new skills and become independent but
Young individuals in some nations are edged to take a gap year before they enrol into university for tertiary education. However, taking a break from school can be beneficial for one's personal development but can also h
Young people in some countries prefer to have a gap year before they start a graduate program at university. They use this time for work or travelling.
In many nations across the globe, young people who graduated from high school are encouraged to take a break by either working or travelling for a year prior to furthering their studies at universities. Several advantage
In various nations around the world, youngsters are advocated to have a gap year before they start their graduate study in university. This gap year generates a significant portion particularly when girls and boys trave
There are pros and cons about high school graduates' jobs and travels. Some people believe that letting high school graduates work or go travel before they start their university lives have many benefits while others cla
Some students prefer taking a gap year to work or travel before starting to attend a university. This essay will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.
Nowadays, there has been an accelerating trend of high school graduates taking a break from studying to work or to travel before pursuing tertiary education. While this is beneficial to some extent, I am firmly of the o
Nowadays, young people are pushed to take a gap year once they finish high school, just before going to the university. This essay will examine advantages and disadvantages of the above scenario and provide a logical con
These days, taking a gap year between completing high school and entering university has gained a great deal of attention from young individuals. Some claim that this has some drawbacks such as forcing them to spend a hu
In many parts of the world, young people now have a tendency to take a gap year, which is the time between finishing high school and starting university. From my perspective, this trend has various advantages as well as
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