IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In some countries, kids are informed that they would achieve anything if they try their best. There are some benefits and drawbacks of this.
It is often argued that anyone who tries will acquire anything that they want. Especially, in some cultures, parents and teachers have told to children that if they work hard and have concrete plans they will succeed cer
In particular societies, it is commonly said by the elderly that the harder we try, the more successful we are. This phrase is normally expressed to motivate the younger generation to work harder. Nevertheless, this expr
In many cultures, children are frequently given the message that they can accomplish anything if they work hard enough. While this message has some advantages, it also has certain disadvantages that must be taken into co
It is commonly seen in many parts of the world that children are told to put maximum effort into getting whatever they want. This essay will describe both the positive and negative sides of this thought.
It is commonly seen in many parts of the world children are told to put maximum efforts to get whatever they want. This essay will describe both the positive and negative sides of this thought.
Children are instructed that they are able to make progress in every area when they put effort in doing something in some countries. While I would like to describe this phnomenon as a double-edged sword.
There are a meaningful messages that have given to the children in several cultures, one of them is children should be shown their hardwork side in order to achieve their dreams. In this essay, I will explain about the b
Some civilization would argue that if children try hard they can attain anything. While working hard give more results. This essay will highlight advantages of working hard that can help tp pursue your dreams, while some
in certain areas, parents want their children to become some of the best people. education is the main way for children's future. every child prefers to become something that they want if parents give the right advice. I
In this economy, some notions are encouraging little ones that by trying their best and putting a great effort into anything, they will eventually be successful in their chosen path. In my perspective, this mindset is no
In many cultures, children are taught to work hard in order to achieve something in life. While the message has some advantages, disadvantages should be taken into consideration. This essay aims to outline the pros and c
It is widely conveyed a message to children that they are capable of whatever they want to fulfil if they strive enough. In my opinion, the mentioned message has both cros and pons. This essay will discuss both drawbacks
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in stress by their guardians to reach their children's goals. While some people argue that increased competition creates depression,
In specific societies the younger generations are being thought that by doing their best they can be succesful in any area that they want. Being told that by pushing hard enough for their goals and not to give up is a wa
Children are able to get goals if they put their effort upmost and it is told by several societies. Some people believe this message is a good way to raise motivation and independence of children, while other people clai
It seems that with the passing of time, children have become smarter because they are technology generation and the modern era. Overall, some children want to control their own decision and their own things, also achievi
Over the past few years, there has been an upward trend in the percentage of this belief about children in some cultures. Some people believe that it is a good way to raise children and their independence. While other pe
The world of children is a fantasy, and sometimes those fictions become true. The world will consider that as an achievement, and the children who achieve will be named achievers. One of the essential factor behind this
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