IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In specific societies the younger generations are being thought that by doing their best they can be succesful in any area that they want. Being told that by pushing hard enough for their goals and not to give up is a wa
Children are able to get goals if they put their effort upmost and it is told by several societies. Some people believe this message is a good way to raise motivation and independence of children, while other people clai
It seems that with the passing of time, children have become smarter because they are technology generation and the modern era. Overall, some children want to control their own decision and their own things, also achievi
Over the past few years, there has been an upward trend in the percentage of this belief about children in some cultures. Some people believe that it is a good way to raise children and their independence. While other pe
The world of children is a fantasy, and sometimes those fictions become true. The world will consider that as an achievement, and the children who achieve will be named achievers. One of the essential factor behind this
In many cultures, it is a common practice to instill in children the belief that they can achieve anything if they work hard enough. While this message aims to cultivate resilience and determination in children, it also
The advice from parents to their children about working hard to achieve anything that they have been planned has appeared as a culture in some society life. This advice has given both positive and negative impact to youn
Nowadays, when our society is in the stage of rapid transformation, some cultures have completely different approaches to raising children by encouraging them to study hard in order to achieve their goals.It is agreed,th
When we were a child, our parents used to tell us that we can achieve anything if we struggle and fight for it. I believe this is a common message which most children have ever been told about. Recalling memories back, m
Some parents want the best for their children,so they tell their children to put more effort into achieving to parents' goals.In this essay will be discussed the benefits and drawbacks of this statement.
Children are able to get everything whether they do their upmost - It is told in several societies. Though this can motivate children to conquere different ups and downs of their lives, there are also some negative effec
In some places across the world, it is common for children to be told that everything is possible through hard work. While this is good because it motivates people to be hardworking, it dismisses how privilege plays a bi
People in several cultures believe that working hard leads youngsters to attain whatever they want. While I agree that trying hard is essential for everyone to achieve their goals, it cannot guarantee an inevitable posit
In today's world, it is expected that parents sometimes tell their children that only if they work hard and are hardworking, they might achieve anything. Saying such a statement to children has positive and negative side
Children sometimes needs to know that everything in this life is not easy to achieve. The advantages of giving they message to encourage them that they could achieve anything are they could work hard for something that t
Adolescence are humans that need to receive guidance for their life journey. Therefore, it is common that they are told to be able to accomplish many things if they give their utmost effort. This has been noticed to brin
Many children often correlates putting in the effort with success, which is considered a normal message they receive in several cultures.
It is said that many people are advising children to try their best in order to gain something. I believe that this idea brings various beneficial impacts towards the children, however, several drawbacks also could happe
In many countries, it is common for children to be told anything is possible if they set their mind to it. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this message.
In today's world, based on some cultures kids have opinion that should attempt so much to get their aims. Certainly, there different benefits and drawbacks about this believing. In this essay we discuss both points and f
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