IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Working hard and achieving your goals is one of the major pieces of advice that prevails in some of our societies,even,though children are told,if they try hard,they can achieve anything.The principal advantages are s
Some people with various cultural backgrounds tell children that they are capable of doing anything in the world if they try hard. This mindset of grown people affects the way children see life and also behave in differe
Parents often provide their child life advice to work hard enough so that they could reach their dreams. Although, it might not always be true, giving such message to children may have a good impact on how they will grow
Knowing the results of hard work is to a child what planning is to a firm. Adolescents might have heard that to become more successful they should try harder, which is true, but this matter, clearly, is a mixed blessing
It is a common belief that children are often told that they can achieve anything if they have enough effort. It seems to me that these is a more persuasive arguments that you should Teaching children makes them feel pre
"Your dreams can come true, if you try hard." It is one of the most heard quotes which is widely believed by some people all around the world and is told to children. This sentence would have some pros and cons for kids
Nowadays, some adults teach their children that if they work harder then they will get payback. This way has some benefits and also a few drawbacks, the following content will outline the explaination.
Some individuals believe that teaching a child is something when they put enough effort into, they might be able to obtain it. There are some concerns about the pros and cons of this message, which either can motivate an
In some cultures, parents often say their children if they work on something with great effort they can be successfull at anything. This sayings can help children to develop their self-esteem and they can become hardwork
Parents in all worlds wish good things and high opportunity to their offspring and try to explain that the value could be reached only by being persistent. On the one hand, this can empower the young kid, however, it can
Many parents in some cultures tell their children that they can reach anything if they put in enough effort. While this approach of encouraging children may be beneficial it also can have some drawbacks.
Parents play a crucial role in shaping the developmental trajectory of their children. Consequently, some parents advocate the pursuit of childhood dreams contingent upon diligent effort. This essay posits that while suc
Sometimes, people and families try to imply the notion of success by puting so much effort into something to their offsprings to make their children attain whatever they want in future. This may makes children undergo a
In some societies, kids are usually told that they are able to achieve any goal if they try hard enough. In this essay, the advantages and the disadvantages will be discussed and used for final judgment.
Achievement is given a huge press. Implying you can achieve anything in your life if you want. Nowadays, parents are applauding their children to be ambitious and have colorful dreams. For achieving this success, they ad
It is well said that hard work is key to success.In many cultures,it is usually said to offsprings that they can achieve their goals if they do hard work.There are some merits and demerits of saying this to children.
Currently, there is a prevalent belief in certain cultures that instilling in children the notion that perseverance and dedication can lead to success can have a profound impact on their development. While this approach
In some countries, children are taught that with hard work and practice, they will achieve goals. In my view, this message has the potential to inspire and motivate children, however, it can cause delusion and disappoint
Children had been told that they can obtain anything if they are work hardly. This practice is certain community have pros and cons which I will explain this essay
Some individuals believe that teaching a child is something they put effort into enough that they might obtain it. There are concerns about the pros and cons of this message, which might motivate and raise their confiden
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