IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The debate over which group namely the ederly and younger generations, should be of most appreciation is one that has been long contested. I am of the opinion that disagree and will discuss at the following essay.
There are frequent debates regarding the worth of people, and age is one of the bases on which some people try to measure it. If asked whether old age on youth is more important, I would say both have significance but ar
In some sites, elderliness is appreciated, whereas in other cultures younger generation is deliberated more crucial. This essay will argure both sides and I personally believe that younger generation may have a special p
In today's digital age, many people argue that elderly persons are more playing an important role, while other believe that teenagers impact is highly valuable. In my opinion, having more youngsters causes more benefits.
There are frequent debates regarding the worth of people, and age is one of the bases on which some people try to measure it. If asked whether old age or youth is more important, I would say both have significance but a
While in certain regions, older people is considered more value than the young, many others say the opposite. It is this writer opinion that support the benefits from youngster are greater than the old because of the cap
In many areas, the old are more valuable than the youth, whereas this situation is the opposite in some nations. Despite this writer contending that the youth is more essential than the old, some individuals think that o
Age is a significant aspect of cultural identity and social norms in many societies. In some cultures, old age is highly valued and older people are respected for their wisdom, knowledge and experience. In contrast, yout
In this recent times, the elderly people have many significant effects on our society, whereas the young are much more essential for our lives that many thoughts believe so. This writer totally argues that the talent of
It is debated that values of former people outweigh these of young generations. The writer will look at the controversy from two sides and explain why this tendency should be advocated.
The contribution of the young is noticeable in some countries, whereas old people seem to gain more respect from others in few different traditions. This writer argues that the dynamism of younger generation is more cruc
Whether which generation should be high- rated in some cultures such as the elder or the young. The author contends that there should be balance between the new and the old that will not lead to some detrimental conseque
Whether old people or children are more valuable is a highly controversial discussion point. This writer contends that youth is superior due to major development and potential, despite those who believe that old age prov
Whether elderly people or the young should be the priority is a controversial discussion. Whilst acknowledging the huge contribution of the old to the society, the writers contends that youth is more significant.
It is controversial that the elderly are crucial for their profound knowledge and experience whereas in other cultures the younger generations are regarded as the future and potential variations in numerous fields. Perso
In some nations, old people are essential also in other nations, young people are extremely vital. In this essay, the writer’s opinion is having more youngsters brings more benefits and the author with comprise both thes
Currently, the topic of older or youthful is more vital is something which bears a number of consideration. The writer contends that elder people are more crucial than youth due to their contribution with country and the
It is argued that old people will become valuable in some countries whereas there will be many places that priorize young generationa better. I am of the opinion of the latter statement and the reason will be shown below
people inthe community is extremely vital in some places, while others think that the elderly are better. This writer totally agrees with the latter statement due to old people’s knowledge as well as contribution to empl
In some areas elderly people are valued, otherwise, young people are more important in other countries. However, I think youth is going to be crucial in future.
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