IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Have you ever read about the passengers will be the exclusive users of vehicles? This is the new horizon for cars, buses and trucks "No Driver". It would be advantageous for companies and public transport in terms of red
In the last few decades, artificial intelligence has proliferated and paved the way for the automation of transportation, which is only seen in science fiction movies and books. All the transporting media will turn into
The technologies of transportation vehicles have been developed to be driverless which will drive people to travel without any human driver anymore. The public has looked for the benefits of this technology, while some o
Recently, technological advancement has developed into various fields around the world. It is believed that transportation vehicles will be driven without drivers in the near future. There are pro and cons to this huge c
There is a heated debate surounding the advantages and drawbacks furture cars that will be driven without human supervision. Some highlight the improved efficiency that the driverless cars can offer while others argue th
The advent of driverless vehicles represents a significant technological breakthrough that is poised to transform the landscape of transportation. While the advantages of autonomous vehicles are often touted, I contend t
The debate over the consequences of driveless vehicles has sparked considerable controversy. While some advocate for the superiority of its merits, I, along with others subscribe to the fact that its downfalls are of hig
The advancement in technology continues to improve automobile facilities. In the near future driverless transport options will be installed in Cars, buses and trucks where only passengers will travel. I believe that dri
As we all know there is a rapid boom in technology and everything is being digitalized . In a couple of years, we might experience vehicles without drivers which means driverless cars, buses , trucks and so on . This in
A long way down the line, many kinds of vehicles will be in auto-drive mode which can make only the passengers inside the transportation. In this phenomenon, I am inclined to outline some advantages of this advanced tech
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate whether means of transport should be automatic driving in the future. While there are abundant risky accidents that could take place; however, I suppose the disadv
All cars , buses and trucks will be without driver due to improvement of technology. So , only passengers go inside this vehicles. It is clear that there are some advantages and some disadvantages in this issue. I will e
In the coming years, all sorts of vehicles will be driverless. For this reason, there will be only passengers in them. The benefits of this advancement are that people will be more comfortable and also it will be safer.
For the next years, all of four tires vehicles will be drive by autopilot system and many people could use the cars without driving it. This future technology will benefit to people such as easier driving experience and
It is forcasted that, buses and trucks will be self driving in the future. If that happens, it can be advantageous for numerous reasons, such as, road safety. However, there are some problems as, expanses of these automo
Recently, technology has developed in various fields, especially public transport. It is believed that all kinds of transportation vehicles will move without drivers in the near future. There are both pros and cons to th
Recently, technology has developed in various fields especially public transport. It is believed that all kinds of transportation vehicles will move without driver in the near future. There are both pros and cons to this
It is expected for futuristic road transportation to be auto-driving, and human will only ride on them as passengers. It is undeniable that the benefits of such future can outweigh the drawbacks, as driverless vehicles a
in today's contemporary world, and advancement of technology and artifical intelligence,it is envisioned that buses,cars and trucks will be driverless. while others argue that automous benefits, some claim that that the
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