It is a true fact, the rates of elderly people will increase rather than the youngsters rates in lots of nations in the years to come. While there are some critical issues in this situation, but not many advantages here
In the coming years, the proportion of younger people will be less compared to older people in many countries.This essay will discuss, firstly decline in birth rate and secondly, the negative side of this phenomenon, fol
Some people claim that the number of elderly will overwhelm that of younger people soon in some parts of the world. From the economic perspective, I do believe that this phenomenon will result in some serious consequence
It is predicted that there will be more elderly than the youth in many nations in the coming years. It is happening due to the modern research and technology in the field of medicines. The increased population of senior
Some people believe that in the coming years the percentage of geriartic people will supercede in comparison to the younger individuals. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this cause and why in my opinion it is a
There is a prediction that many countries will be dealing with an older population as the elderly will outnumber the younger generation. There are several circumstances that could lead to this situation, and I think this
There is a prediction that many countries will be dealing with an older population as the elderly will outnumber the younger generation through several circumstances that could lead to this situation, and I think this is
There is a prediction that many countries will be dealing with growing older populations by several social phenomenons, and thus circumstances could lead to a drawback for development in the near future.
Many experts speculated that the number of elderly populations is larger than that of younger folks in many nations for various social reasons which could cause devastating drawback effects in near the future.
many experts speculated that the statistic of elderly populations is larger than that of younger folks in many nations for various social reasons which could cause devastating drawback effects in near the future.
It is evident that the majority of many nations’ population will be the elderly in the years to come. This essay discusses the reasons behind this trend and why I believe in my opinion, this is a negative development.
It is highly likely that there will be an increasing number of aged people in comparsion to younger generation in numerous nations. This essay discusses the reason behind this and why I believe this is a negative trend.
It is anticipated that many nations will have more elderly citizens than youths in the coming days. Personally, I believe this will not benefit the countries due to the resulting reduced work output. Therefore in this es
Different strokes for different folks. In this era, development in medical sciences and improved healthcare cause people to live longer and that is why there is a large number of senior citizens as compared to youngsters
Most countries will face a higher amount of older generations in the future. In my view, I believe that a negative trend and impact development on these countries.
Recent years has seen a surge in ageing population all over the world. In many countries the older generation is outgrowing the younger generations due to the advancement in medicine. In my opinion, this trend will have
In the next century, the longer life expectancy will happen in many regions around the world. It is a tendency to believe that people will live longer than usual in the near future, that is, there will be more older peop
In the next century, the longer life expectancy will be happened in many regions around the world. It is a tendency to believe that people will live longer than usual in the future. There will be an older person more tha
In the years to come, the number of geriatrics in several nations will surpass that of the youths. This could be due to the fact that youths are involved in illicit substances and this would obviously not be advantageou
With the availability of quality health care and advancement in the field of health sciences the life expectancy across the globe has been rising. As a result, it is estimated that in the coming times, the number of eld