IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Few decades ago, when pupils completed their college degree, they used to join further studies in their own nation, but these days they have more chance to study overseas. This essay will examine various benefits as well
It was late 2017. I was a high school senior. Four of us from the science club developed a raw working model of a Jet Engine for a science fair. While the other members of the group were involved primarily in its fabrica
Nowadays, youngsters possess more opportunities to have a better education by studying overseas than those students in the past. In my perception, it is certain that adolescents who are studying abroad in a university de
Lately, more students are opting to study abroad than at home because of easier opportunities. Although there are numerous benefits to this trend, there are some drawbacks too. This essay will examine them in detail with
Nowadays, university degrees have contributed to a significant number in providing more opportunities for students who want to study abroad. However, in the past students had to get a degree in their own country. In t
In the recent years, we've seen an enormous immgration from student to other countries for studying purposes, wheter they study on there own expinse, or a sponsor is supporting them finincally. However, studying abroad h
Since the world started to be a more cosmopolitan place, young people began to study abroad rather than in their own country in order to exploit more opportunities. This essay will outline how the brain drain affects the
It was long before that the people were prioritizing to study at the university of their own country. Globalization has entirely changed this narrative by reshaping the education industry, providing countless opportuniti
In the past few decades, studying abroad has got an immense increase while in the past students preferred to study in their own place rather than going to other countries. Further, we will discuss the advantages and dis
Although studying abroad is thought by some to be a good opportunity for students, other people think that it could be detrimental. International students can gain independency and obtain better educational qualificatio
It seems that nowadays more and more high school levers are going overseas to continue their degree. Despite some challenges, such a choice is considered to be a better option than studying in their own country. This ess
Today, thanks the globalisation, students have more chances to attend their university courses in another nation, far from your family and friends. In this essay I will explain benefits and drawbacks of this new scenario
Education is very essential need for all of us. Education teaches us basic manners to how to communicate, behaviours and build self-confidence to achieve our goals. Having stated that students' mindset change to study i
In recent years, the student will prefer to study in other land compared to our county,this is a result of we can across the sea easily.For example, students of Malaysia can choose to study in China,US and UK.Some people
In this era, there are a several opportunities for student who like to continue their education in oversea, while in the past most of students would rather study in own region. I personally assume the students are able t
First, coffee is grown in warm countries such as Kenya, Brazil and Colombia where the temperature is high. The beens of coffee are then harvested after which they are sorted based on their quality. Once coffee beens have
There is no doubt that education strategies have changed over the years but, in recent years even the way younger generation pursue their graduation have also altered when compared to the old times. Gone are the times, w
In the previous years, students were prone to complete their graduation in their home country. Compared to previous times, the opportunity of moving to overseas for study purpose is increasing, which is allowing plentif
Nowadays studying abroad is easier, than in the past few decades. Especially living in the European Union, where travelling, and migration is possible without any restriction on European citizens. In this essay I am goi
Thanks to globalisation, new and affordable ways to move between countries have become a daily reality. It created new opportunities for students to study in a foreign country. In this essay, I will analyse the effects t
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