IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A common trend occurring frequently around the globe in all facets of society is everyone all have their private smartphone. While the immediate sway towards owning one would be the convenience, the inevitable drawbacks
Nowsaday, smartphone is neccessary and people always hang it nearby themself. Smartphone is helped peole to do anything easily and people can use it anytime or anywhere.bUT USING MORE SMARTPHONE HAS A BIG NEGATIVE EFFECT
Nowadays, all over the world, most people have a smartphone. This writer will provide the advantages and disadvantages of owning a smartphone.
In today’s digital world, more and more people use smartphones on a daily basis. Although there are some concerns about smartphone addiction, I believe the benefits that smartphones bring such as convenience and connect
In today’s digital world, more and more people use smartphones on a daily basics. Although there are some concerns about smartphone addiction, I believe the benefits that smartphones brigh such as the conveniece and conn
Whether people own smartphones these days is a topic of frequent debate. The author contends that the advantages of communities having easy access to knowledge and one another surpass the risks posed by online viruses an
Nowadays, smartphones have become essential devices, as more and more people are relying on them. This writer believes that the merit of immediate contacting and automatic actions outweigh the disadvantages of facing the
In today’s digital age, the appearance of individuals possessing smartphones is becoming a recurring argument. In this essay, the writer assumes that the benefits of owning a mobile phone can boost one’s creativity and m
Nowadays, many individuals possess their own smartphone. This author argues that the benefits of owning a smartphone outweigh its drawbacks.
In today's digital world, most of people have their own mobile phone. Despite the concern of smartphone addiction in young people, the benefits of owning a smartphone outweigh the the drawbacks.
In today's digital age, a variety of citizens have a private smartphone. This writer believe that because of the convenience of contact with other people and searching for information, but it can be easy to get addicted.
It is a controversial consideration that almost all citizens possess a smartphone due to the development of technology. This device plays an important role in humans’ lives, especially in the 4.0 era. However, it also br
In ever-progressive society , whether having personal mobile phone is a highly debatable disscusion point . This writer argues that the benefits of convenience of contact and entertainmnet outweigh the drawback of health
Whether people should have a call-up is a recurring argument. This writer argues that the importance of smartphones in both their agility in collecting information and relaxation outweighs the drawbacks of abusing them.
Nowadays, a plethora of people possess a smartphone. It is argued that a smartphone has more benefits or more drawbacks. I would say that the advantages of having a smartphone outweigh the disadvantages on the ground tha
Nowadays, a lot of peoplehave their own mobile phones. Thiswriter argues that the benefits of having own smartphones outweigh the drawbacks of it.
Through the advent of smartphone, life of inhabitants all over the world has changed dramatically. Depite a few negative sides that this high-tech device brings to humanity such as phone addiction, how it benefits people
In the era of digital technology, the commonality of people owning a smartphone is a topic for consideration. It is the writer’s view that the exchange of information over distances and the accessibility of smartphones o
Smartphone is recently so popular in all over the world, thatnumbers of people own for themselves a smartphone. The writer scontends that the benefits of this electronic gadgets as a quick means of communication and ente
In this modern era, more and more people tend to use smartphones than in the past. I contend that having a smartphone provides humanswith awide range of information and endless entertainment.
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