IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often observed that most countries all over the world suffer from two major problems which are car traffic and air pollution, so; it is thought that one of the best solutions to treat these issues is making the pri
In the contemporary world, global warming is a challenging issue for the world. However, there are numerous reasons for this problem. The government raised the price of petrol in order to control this and people believe
One of the best ways to alleviate the problems of traffic and pollution is by increasing the price of gasoline. Although this essay agrees with the statement, other possible solutions worth to be considered.
It is argued that the gasoline price should be raised to control the growth of traffic and the pollution that is caused by it. I am completely disagreeing with the proposal as there are various better ways to tackle this
Some people say rising gasoline price is the most brilliant way to control the growth of traffic and the pollution that is caused by it. I am completely disagreeing with the proposal as there are various better ways to t
The picture given on the left tells the procedure of producing cement and the tools used in the making process, while the image on the right illustrates the process of creating concrete using cement
In the contemporary era, traffic congestion and pollution features are the most dominant critical phenomena. Despite some experts being of the belief that the best solution is imposing hefty pricesprices against petrol
It is an irrefutable fact that the problem of traffic congestion and pollution has significantly in the past few years. Therefore, some suggest that charging more on fossil fuels will cause a reduction of vehicles operat
It is undeniable that pollution has affected people's life significantly, so according to some, the best approach that the traffic and pollution issues would be solved is to rise the price of fuels, especially petrol. In
Increased traffic and pollution have become a burning issue throughout the globe. It is a debatable topic where one side supports an increase in petroleum prices to curb this problem; nevertheless, other masses consider
Many argue that raising the price of fuel is an effective method to tackle freight congestion and pollution issues. I wholeheartedly concur with this statement because a surge in the cost of petrol can deter people from
It is often suggested that augmenting the price of petrol is an efficient method to combat increasing traffic congestion and escalating environmental pollution. I completely concur with this assertion, as a higher petrol
It is said raising the price of fuel is the effective method to tackle traffic jams and contamination issues. I totally agree with this statement because increase the price of fuel will demotivate people to use their car
It is argued that the best method to tackle the record high level of pollution and the increasing traffic congestion is by increasing the cost of petrol, however, I completely disagree with this idea. I believe that ther
Over the last two or three decades, the way people travel has changed dramatically due to major advances in technology. As a result, a number of issues are arising day by day because of the use of own cars by a large pop
Congestion and air pollution are primary problems every country has to deal with, and the main reason is automobiles using fossil fuels. Some people have an opinion that increasing the price of petrol is the viable solut
The issue of growing traffic and extensive pollution due to the massive amount of cars has become one of the crucial problems of our generation. Some people argue that raising the price of petrol is the solution. I part
It is claimed by some experts that the rising cost of petrol is the best way to tackle growing traffic and pollution issues. Personally, I firmly agree with this statement. In this ,essay I will put forth my arguments to
It is true that traffic congestion and pollution have become a serious problem in metropolises and cities. To solve this problem, an increase in the petrol’s price is suggested. I think this solution is not the best way,
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