IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays people are concerned and brainstorming effective ways to alleviate congested traffic and pollution from vehicles. Some think if consumers are charged a premium on petrol, traffic and pollution problems will be k
Is it plausible to conceive of traffic reduction and fewer environmental issues when the oil price goes up? This matter has widely been a hot dispute among experts. Some of them believe that a growing number of vehicles
Nowadays, traffic congestion and environmental pollution are major problems in the modern world. However, some people believe that rising fuel prices can solve these issues in the next few years. This essay completely di
Increasing traffic and pollution is a major concern all over the world, Hiking the price of petrol is the best step to solve traffic and pollution-related issues. I do not agree with this statement, It is not an ideal st
The problem of air pollution done by cars is popular in many states. Some individuals think that when the petrol price is increased, traffic and pollution issues might be solved. This essay argues that petrol is not the
It is considered for some people that raising the petrol price is the preferable way to reduce both growing traffic and pollution issues, while others think the reverse. I extremely disagree because there are different w
It is considered for some people that raising the petrol price is the preferable way to reduce both growing traffic and pollution issues, while others think the reverse. I extremely disagree because there are different
In this modern era,it is widely recognized that the majority of people have been facing a huge amount of issues from noise and air pollution.However,certain section of individuals think that rising the price of petrol
Traffic congestion and Industrialisation is becoming a problem increasingly in the developing countries.However, In order to control traffic and pollution problems I don't think that rising the prices of the fossil fuels
In recent years, environmental pollution and traffic congestion has become increased in many countries. Some people argue that increasing the petrol price is the best way to tackle these problems. However, I cannot entir
It is said that lifting the petrol price may be the most effective way of avoiding air pollution. However, I think it is not the only solution for this phenomenon.
As many people nowadays prefer eating food that comes from different countries and regions more than locally grown production, the food products nowadays travel long distances before being bought and eaten. Although havi
Motor vehicle plays an essential role in our life but they have major drawbacks too, and the perfect way to control these disadvantages is that Government should set the price for petrol at a peek, so Eventually environm
It is argued that making a raise on the price of petrol would fix expanding traffic and pollution problem. This essay will disagree with this statement and going to argue other methods to solve this problem.
Traffic and environmental pollution have become vital problems in the present. It is argued that these two problems can be solved by increasing petrol prices. I strongly disagree with this statement as there are several
In recent years, a debate regarding traffic and air pollution emerged. In particular, some people argue that increasing taxes on oil could tackle these issues. I partially agree with this view, because it is surely true
It was considered by many that rising the bill of petrol is the best method to fix traffic and pollution issues. I strongly disagree with the statement because this will create a large impact on citizens. Programs and ot
It is commonly believed that the best solution to solve the ongoing traffic and pollution dilemma is to increase the price of petrol. Personally, I completely disagree with this point of view for a variety of reasons and
It is commonly believed that the best solution to solve the ongoing traffic and pollution problem is to increase the price of petrol. Personally, I completely disagree with this point of view for a variety of reasons and
An increase in the selling price of petroleum products is the best strategy to find a solution for the problems faced by the public in heavy traffic and air pollution caused by it. In my opine, I strongly agree that a
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