IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, lots of people tend to care about things themselves. Some people believe that traditional society is better. However, whether or not to return to the older values of respect for the family and community is a co
Nowadays, lots of people trend to care about things of themselves. Some people believe that traditional society is better. However, whether or not return to the older values of respect for the family and community is a c
Being rooted in the community nowadays, individualism which is partially represented by egotism and ignorance is becoming more and more popular. It is considered that the best approach in order to make a happier world to
The main reason why it is not necessary for students to take their gap year is that we cannot promise that students will actually make full use of the time because of lack of dedication (unintelligible, can be changed to
Since nowadays’ society is based on individual self-interest and ambition, some people argue that people should put more importance on conventional ideals that value family and the neighborhood to make society a better p
With the development of this modern society, people become indifferent and only care about themselves. It has been controversial that if putting individual benefits in the first place affects the world positively. From m
Nowadays, avarice and egotism have been rooted in individual life. It is considered that holding the traditional and ancestor principles is the best approach to make better social life, particularly in value of respect b
Nowadays, avarice and egotism has been rooted on individual life. It is considered that holding the traditional and ancentor’s principles are the best approach to make better social life, particulaly in value of respect
In today's century, morals and values are no longer significant among our youths. This has led to more crimes , untrustworthiness and egoism. Some group thinks that the only way to make the world a conducive place to liv
Today we see in the world of egoism the importance of self interest, which does not pay for human emotions. Some people argue that for a peaceful and happy life in the world as well as within the family, we must go back
Selfishness and greed have, nowadays, become the societal norm. Some suggest that restoring conventional values will render an improved lifestyle and positively impact our immediate community. I am inclined to agree with
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