IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The number of people who travel abroad is rapidly increasing these days. Some argue that accepting tourists from overseas has positive impacts on countries, while I believe that the disadvantages are bigger.
The impact, whether positive or negative, of ,tourism is a global phenomenon with its advantages and disadvantages. In my view the disadvantages are important but we can change them and that's why I agree with the idea t
The question of to what extent the pros of tourism outweigh the cons it generates in countries has started to be more popular currently, due to the increasing tendency of people of traveling each day more and more. In my
Tourism in general accounts for 10.3% of the world's Gross Domestic Product or GDP which is set to contribute $250 billion annually by 2030 and will provide 110 million additional jobs. In ASEAN countries, their liveliho
Introduction- Nowadays, a vast majority of the public prefers to visit other countries as a visitor in various aspects. Visiting foreign nations as a tourist has become a huge profitable for many international locations
Travelling has always been an inseparable part of human culture. In the modern world, technological development in the transportation department has made travelling for leisure very accessible to the masses. The extreme
It is irrefutable to deny the advantages caused by international tourism in many sections of the world. However, it is considered by people that it has repercussions on local folks and the environment. In my opinion, int
International touristry is one of the main sources of generating income for the state. It affects a country in many ways. In my opinion, I believe that the advantage of international tourism outweighs the drawback. Howev
Nowadays, tourism has become very beneficial in many areas. However, it has brought some advantages and disadvantages to the local members and the surrounding. This essay will discuss that although travelling internation
has increased recently, it has become one of the people Priorities in modern society. some peoples argue that have bad effects on local inhabitants and the ambience, but I believe that the advantages are much more than t
As tourism has increased recently, it has become one of the people's priorities in modern society. The trend may have some effects on individuals and the environment of the country visited. It is my opinion, however, tha
In the last two decades, there has been an increase in tourism in many Countries around the world. This change, though positive has a few negative impacts on the citizens and the environment of the countries involved. T
Around the world, the tourism industry is proving beneficial for different places by generating revenue ,creating employment opportunities as well as providing new places for individual travellers to discover. However, t
The benefits of international tourism have massive efects on many locations. However, some people worry about the possibility of negative efects on local inhabitants and the environment such as pollution and overcrowded
It has been proven that tourism trade is considered a key factor in the sustainable development of host countries. Although the purses of this trade are more than its minuses, authorities have to take many steps to conse
It has been proven that tourism trade is considered a key factor in sustainable development of host countries. Although, the purses of this trade are more than its minuses, authorities have to take many steps to conserve
Around the world, the tourism industry is proving beneficial for different places by generating revenue ,creating employment opportunities as well as providing new places for individual travelers to discover. However, th
Nowadays, as the world's prosperity grows, it is undeniable that international tourism has a tremendous impact on our global economy. However, there also exist several negative aspects of society that should not be over
Nowadays, as the world's prosperity grows, it is undeniable that international tourism has a tremendous impact on our global economy. However, there also exists several negative aspects on the society that should not be
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