Many youngsters decide to take a gap year before getting into their university education. They may spend their time earning money or exploring to get more understanding of working environment or exploring diferent places
Over the past decade, taking a gap year between high school and post-secondary has become a prevalent and publicly recognized phenomenon. Although this may bring several downsides for students, the returns are highly jus
Usually finishing high school represent an important moment in our life because is the time when you decide who you wanna become, what path you want to take , where you wanna go, and most of that decisions are influenced
High school students in some countries take a year off to work or travel places before joining universities. This essay will discuss the benefits and also the drawbacks on this trend.
In various nations, secondary school leavers are motivated to take a gap year before enrolling into college. This essay will discuss the merits and drawbacks of a taking a year break from studies to travel the world befo
Nowadays, it is quite common for youngsters to have a break from studying after graduating from school. In certain countries, scholars are even encouraged to get a job or travel around between secondary education and col
Nowadays, it is observed that some students join a college in the same year that they complete their high school studies, while some others prefer taking a year's break. Therefore, choosing not to go for the higher studi
Nowadays, it is observed that some students join a college in the same year that they complete their high school studies, while some prefer taking a year's break. Therefore, choosing not to go for the higher studies imme
Nowadays, it is observed, some students join college in the same year they complete their high school studies, while some prefer taking a year gap. Therefore, choosing not to go for the higher studies immediately have it
University education is important since it turns a student into an employable resource. It is also true that a rising number of students are opting for a year break between the school and the college. This essay will dis
Young people are the future hope, every nation believes, they can build a country which could be self sufficient in each and every aspect. As an introduction, why some of the countries encourage students to work? , abide
The youth from a few nations are motivated to do a job or travel for a year during the gap they have starting from high school to beginning education at a University. This essay will discuss the main advantages which are
Nowadays it seems that students are taking a period break after the schooling before going to to higher education. There are several merits and drawbacks for this on the one side this can empower the youth, however it ca
Nowadays it is seems that students are taking a year break after the schooling before going to to higher education. There are several merits and drawbacks for this on the one side this can empower the youth however it ca
Nowadays, there is an increasing trend to do a job between the school studies and start of the educational institution. Although some people assert there are many detriments of this, others suggest it is very beneficial.
In many countries, young adults are often encouraged to take a gap year before entering university. This trend has been growing in popularity recently and could be a great opportunity for those who need a change of scene
A year off is gaining popularity among students who are passed out from school and about to go to university. While a year off provide them to introspect their selves and becoming ready for crucial tertiary education, it
Usually, young students after completion of their higher studies, they want to do the job or go for a trip in a year gap before starting university. This essay will elaborate the advantages and disadvantage of this trend
Travelling an abroad means you will come back as a new personality, this is the thinking of almost everyone. Although some people argue foreign travel before the university start has detriments, others say there are many
The two charts here illustrate the purpose of the study among students of various ages (from under 26 to over 49) and the aid they received from the employers. The ratio between the support of different employers is dete