IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is amazing how children can have some behaviour at an early age without anyone taught them. For example, my neighbour's child cries rarely when her father is not at home. Her father work in another city. But everytime
In the contemporary world, the controversy surrounding the necessity of children's punishment is a prominent topic. It is commonly believed that punishment is a suitable way for children to differentiate between good and
In this community, children and pupils are the most important people, they are the future of the country. Thus, it is very essential to teach about the benefits of good habits and also alert them about the consequences o
Positive and negative feedback has to be implemented in young people in order to show them the importance of having appropriate behaviours and the consequences of having those that are inappropriate. Then, I staunchly be
Positive and negative feedbacks have to be implemented in young people in order to show them the importance of having appropriate behaviours and the consequences of having those that are inappropiate. Then, I staunchly b
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged that youth need to acquire the difference between right and wrong at an early stage of their development, accompanied by punishment policies to help them thrive. In my opinion,
It's essential to teach young children about the huge difference between right and wrong at a young age, also punishment is important to assist them to learn the lesson,In my opinion, yes a agree.
Teaching youngsters the difference between right and wrong at an early age is vital hence punishing them will assist them to put this into practice. I totally agree with this statement because disciple is a good way of
In the upbringing of children, the early acquisition of moral understanding is often considered crucial. Some argue that punishment plays a necessary role in teaching children the distinction between right and wrong. Thi
People have different opinions about whether it's necessary to have punishment to help children to distinct right and wrong. Personally, I totally disagree with the given statement.
Recently, the topic about the necessity of punishment for young children has been extra popular. There are a lot of discussions about the relevancy of teaching kids the difference between right and wrong at an early age.
In the modern era, there has been a long-standing debate about whether a handful of the public assumes that celebrities should be role models for young multitude while others believe that parents and teachers should be r
The average human is shaped mentally to who they are in the present day from an early age, including when they were a child. This is because how those years of human life are when the human brain starts to develop rapidl
It is significant for children to teach them what is right and wrong since their early age. Punitive measures are mandatory to assist them determine this difference. Although there is an idea which is supporting the puni
Elucidating teenagers on moral standards is of utmost necessity, and putting up a penalty for their crimes and offences would contribute immensely to their awareness of right and wrong. I personally, support this view as
The main purpose of education is to form the right terms in children's minds, especially to differentiate between bad and good things in life. Restriction is useful in this process. However, this essay agrees with this i
There is an argument about the necessity of punishing the kids to learn the comparison between right and wrong at their first age. More or less, I agree with this issue but maybe it really depends on the situation. In ot
In this modern education, the children's punishment has engaged the nation's interest. Some people believe that parents and teachers should teach social rules to children at a young age by using strong and strict punishm
In this modern education, the children punishment have engaged the nation's interest. Some people believe that parents and teachers should tearch social rules to children at young age by using a strong and strict punishm
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