IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Change is ubiquitous which benefits people in the long run and can have desirable effects on individuals than staying in the same attitude for a long period of time. This essay will describe how change brings positive ef
Although, certain segments of society think that reading news from papers is more convenient for us. However, I agree with people who prefer media because accessing the news through media is easier and not dependent on m
Change is useful for people who change rather than avoid it and remain in the same place. This essay discusses that change brings more advantages to people who undergo change than people who remain the same. This essay
It is believed that one needs to mix up things in his life in order to enjoy his life optimally. This essay discusses the merits and demerits of changing one's habits and routines, while highlighting my rationale for sup
Some individuals think that changes often have more advantages than trying to avoid them and have everything remain the same.I think that people get more benefits from doing changes other than keeping same things
It is often argued that change is inevitable in people’s lives. Moreover, changes are essential to humans rather than attempting to remain everything in the same way. In this essay, I will highlight the advantages and di
These days change is very essential part of our lives. Change has more benefits to promote ourselves in every side of our lives. In this essay, I am going to discuss the advantages of change.
Nowadays, some people hold an opinion that athletes are not good role models for children. While this may be true for some people, I believe that athletes are excellent idols for young people. On the one hand, there are
Many people believe that transition adds enormous value to their lives, but others refuse to change and prefer to stay the same. Although change may be unsettling for some, I consider the benefits of personal growth that
there always have been arguments about change and its outcomes. In this essay, I will outline the perceived benefits and drawbacks of change and argue why the pros do in fact outweigh the cons.
The issue of appropriate change for people has turned into a controversial topic in this century. In this way, some people believe that modifying behaviour is more suitable for the person in their life. While others have
Nowadays, many people think that tackling the problem is more valuable than trying to run away from it and keep living without any changes. From a personal perspective, humans get used to being weak and want to be the pe
Some changes in everyday life are essential, but there're negative and positive sides. Although, many people think that we need changing processes more instrumental than avoiding new experiences. I personally support the
Currently, most people think that a good lifestyle results from changing over an extended period, but others believe that having a stable life is more comfortable. From a personal perspective, living life with regular ch
People have different views the attitude toward life. While transfer may cause anxiety sometimes, I believe that the benefits of change far surpass its drawbacks in the long run.
It has been observed that changes are essential to individuals rather than attempting to live everything in the same way. Therefore, making the process of life easier and quicker. The following paragraphs will highlight
Interchange is a key to country's progress.In this contemporary era,there is an irrefutable debate amoung folk concerning the issues and assets of innovation.There are copious inhabitants who think that old things and ru
Some people think that the process of change in life is an integral part of everyone and has more pros than cons. In this essay, I will understand why opinions may differ. Firstly, I will discuss how change can positivel
Some people think that the process of change in life is an integral part of everyone and has more pros than cons. In this essay, I will understand why opinions may differ. Firstly, I will discuss how change can positivel
Some people think that the process of change in life is an integral part of everyone and has more pros than cons. In this essay, I will understand why opinions may differ. Firstly, I will discuss how change can positivel
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