IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, most people pursue the YOLO lifestyle (You Only Live Once). In this issue, some people argue that the public will be going through a hard time to balance their workload and leisure time. In this essay, I will e
It is well said that health is wealth. Everyone is well aware of the fact that becoming a couch potato is going to have a detrimental effect on the physical well being. Even then everyone is lending a deaf ear to this is
Some people are able to manage time and achieve a good work to life balance however many find it difficult. These days the lifestyle of people is different from the 8 hour working cycles in the past.
In general, most people working 8 hours a day, even overwork. Our brain can be exhausted from dealing with tasks and solving problems on their duty. Therefore, the only thing wants to do is relax on the sofa, turn on the
Few masses try to achieve a balance between their work and their personal lives.But not all of them are unable to achieve a balance between work and life.In my opinion the work load of people make them unable to get a
It is a known fact that maintaining parity between professional and personal part of life is very vital for every working professional. Some people succeed in this goal, whereas others are still in process of fulfilling
It is a known fact that maintaining balance between professional and personal part of life is very vital for every working professional. Some people succeed in this goal whereas others are still in process of fulfilling
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