IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In various nation young adults are moving away from their home town and living in urban areas for higher education and for a better work life. Although, this may harm a person in short term, it allow to create new opport
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is that young generation are living their homes in rural areas to study or work in cities. It is undeniable that getting education and experience becomes an essential part of o
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is that students leaving rural areas to live in the cities. It is undeniable that urbanisation has become an essential part of our life. However there is no absolute agreement
Recently, more and more young people have chosen to leave their hometowns and move to metropolitan areas in order to work and study. in my perspective, the reason mostly comes from opportunities available in large cities
In this era of globalisation, more youngsters have leave their home town to pursue their studies or work in the urban areas. From my personal point of view, the main reasons are because cities provide a better facilities
In this contemporary world, many youngsters are migrating to the metropolis from the countryside areas and it could be because of the excellent education and other services. I believe that this trend held a lot of benefi
Nowadays many young people leave their houses to work or study in another city. The main reason for it is that in the city the education is better than in villages. In this , the essay I’ll express my point of view about
Development as an individual in terms of study or work is an important phase of life. In order to achieve this goal, many young people are leaving their homes in rural areas to study or work in urban centres. We will dis
Many young people are moving away from their rural backgrounds to pursue education or employment in cities. There are many reasons behind this problem. We will discuss this change in the next paragraphs.
Nowadays, plenty of youngsters are leaving their property and coming from the countryside to the metro cities to study or work. Students and working people have more opportunities in big states so their source of income
It is true that an increasing number of the young generation leaves their near ones in rural places in order to be a worker or apply for colleges in modern cities around the world. The impending essay will discuss the ca
In the modern period, A number of younger are migrated to their home in big citiescities to high education or job in cities. the trend's benefits outweigh the drawbacks. In this should highlight the pros and cons of lea
Adolescence departs from their home in the countryside looking for jobs or for studying in urban areas and there is more than one reason for that , we will handle in this topic the merits and demerits of this action.
In today's world, an increasing number of people leave their countryside to study and work in metropolitan areas in order to have better universities and better jobs. From my perspective, I completely believe that the up
Numerous neighbourhoods live the modern lifestyles in rural areas and sustain connections with approachable home lifestyles. On the other hand, younger adults have stayed with city preferences where they found sources o
In many countries, educational systems make students who are 15 years old focus on just certain subjects, but other systems believe that students should study a wide range of subjects until they leave school. The benefit
These days the young generation moving from the countryside for significant reasons as studying or working. It has benefits and drawbacks that affect mostly to the all parts of society. This essay will discuss both sides
Nowadays, it is becoming common practice for youth to move form their house to urbans for schools or work. It is believed that in the cities there more opporunities and better education for them.
This essay will be discussed about young people who leave their hometown and move to another cities for work and study. There are some advantages and disadvantages.
It is becoming more popular to move from smaller cities to bigger ones due to developments. This trend can cause some troubles for people themselves and their nutrition. This will discuss about the problems and provide i
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