IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is generally argued that educational systems should allow high students to contribute to their teachers, or even make criticism; diametrically opposes that, others believe it exerts an adverse consequence due to a lac
Education is considered to be the key to success. Many people believe that to improve the standard of the education system, a student should be motivated to ask counter-questions and challenge teachers on the subjects th
Education is an essential aspect of one's life, it helps develop one's personality and it is important that every institution has an efficient educational structure in place. Some people argue that pupils should be given
Most people convince that students should be allowed to criticize their instructors for the sake of educational improvement, whilst others believe that this kind of behaviour leads to a loss of respect and discipline in
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to a loss of respect and disciplin
You have decided to apply for the job of a marketing manager for office in Tokyo. Write your application, stating clearly why you think you are suitable for the job.
A significant number of schools have adopted a year-end evaluation of their teachers' overall performances in the teaching field. This is also done in quite a number of secondary schools. Some people are of the opinion t
with information that can be available on the internet. some people harbour a belief that teachers could not always be correct and students should correct their teachers in order to get a better quality of education, whi
Nobody would dispute the fact that the responsibilities and duties of a teacher is extremely important and impactful to students. I hold the view that school pupils should be encouraged to evaluate and criticise their tu
Modern schools involve more dynamic study approaches and real-time problems that help children to understand the current issues of the world. As a part of this, some people believe that students should be allowed to gra
Education plays a fundamental role in the growth years of shaping a child during their high school years. While some believe that students should have the liberty to offer criticisms of the teachers and a few debate that
Many people are concerned about the quality of education in high school, they suppose that teachers should be evaluated by students, while others hold a contrasting view,saying that it will harmful to teacher’s reputat
This is always a hot topic for debate about that should pupils give suggestions to the teaching methodology of the tutors at secondary educational centres while some advocates of education institutions urge that it may i
It is widely believed that for a country to prosper, it is of paramount importance to assure a high level of educational standard. In order to do so, some people claim that high school students should be able to make com
Diverse educational institutions have increasingly encouraged students to remark on and even criticize their lecturers during the past decade in an effort to enhance educational quality. However, opinions remain divided
To some people, in order to improve educational standards, high school students should be able to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Even though others disagree, claiming that it could lead to a disresp
Transportation have been evolved in the last fifty years, from bullock carts to bicycles to cars and buses. During this period, usage of bicycle is minimised despite the health benefits.In this essay, I will look firstly
One of the debatable concepts of today's world is educational quality . A bunch of personages claim that they should be giving their student's the freedome to ask the question and offer criticisms is a just argument , ho
Quality of education is the major important factor that can not be ignored at any level of the era. Some people say that for improvement of education standards college students should be encouraged to cross-question thei
The educational system is one of the topics that the majority look for development because it touches our kids' success. Furthermore, Enhancement in the education sector is one of the humans' demands for progress. Nowad
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