IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Whether the activity of using social networking sites to communicate or access the news every day by people is benefitcial. This writer argues that the benefits of mending closer human relationships and updating data qui
Whether people use social networking sites to communicate or access the news everyday which can be beneficial. This writer argues that the benefits of mending close human relationships and updating data quickly outweigh
In the current era, social media is used every day to communicate and access to news stories has become commonplace. While this trend has some drawbacks, this writer argues that the benefit of streamlining communication
Recently, social news has been used to keep in contact with the community and get clue. While this trend has some advantages, I believe that the negative effects of this trend are far more significant.
In the technology ear, there is a statement that using social media to update news as well as connecting with people around the globe is known as a daily ordinary activity. I personally believe this development offers si
A large proportion of the global population utilise social media to maintain contat and stay updated on current affairs. On the other hand, social media proves to be time consuming and addictive. I belive the disadvantag
In today's digital age, social media plays an important of individuals's lives all over the world to contact with other people and get news events. This author argues that the benefits of communication and getting news e
In this modern society, social networking sites have become widely used for connecting community and accessing current affairs. This writer believes that the benefits of getting various news and facilitate global interac
The majority of people all aver the world use social networking sites day to day hold contact details with another and acess news informations. This writer argues that the benefits of connecting and maintaining relations
Social media is a topic which bears some consideration. It is from the writer's point of view that this development brings more benefits to keeping in touch with humans and getting news events outweigh the lack of confid
Nowadays, many people in over the world spend a lot of time using social media to keep in touch with other people and got news events. In this writer will talk about advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Nowadays, communicated media is used daily to keep contact with everyone and get the latest news. As I see it, it brings a lot of advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This writer will provide the evidence.
In nowadays modern society, people use a wide range of social media to contact with other people and collect social problem events. The writer of this essay believes that despite possible people's addiction it does not
the majority of people on the earth always use social networking sites , which help them connect with individual and catch up on new occasions. this author believes that the benefits of convenience and improved relation
In today's digital age, many people believe that utilising social media in daily life is becoming essential. From my perspective, the benefits of contacting with others and updating news events outweigh the drawback of m
Every day, a large number of people utilize social media to stay in touch with one another and stay informed about news and events. This writer argues that the benefits of instant information about the world and connecti
In nowadays modern society, inviduals in the world use wid range of social media as a tool to contact with other people and collect social problem events. This writer of the essay believed that the useful of social media
In the contemporary era, employing communal media is the optional method to stay in communication with other individuals and discover upcoming events. While using social media is disadvantageous in few ways, the advantag
In today digital era, social media has become an important part of a day of many people lives around the world due to it helps people to update news and connects with others. This author agrees that the time-saving and b
In digital era, social media is a place that people can make friends with others or gain new information. This writer believes the benefits of the relationship and the convenience in earning the knowledge outweigh the ad
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