IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Social media is widely used in many places around the world to contact relatives and update the news. From this writer’s viewpoint people cannot deny the benefits of technology , but its drawbacks as harmful to human he
Nowadays, many individuals all over the world keep in touch with other people and get new events by using social medias every day . Despite the rise of social medias, the benefits of using social transports outweigh the
In the digital days, networking sites provide easy access to information for everyone or keep contact with friends and that led to more humans using social media to read the news or contact friends or relatives around th
In this day and age, social media is a common tool for udapting hot news and stay in touch with other people. Personally, i think that the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages.
In today's digital era, most people tend to access the networking platforms to contact with the others and follow the new circumstances of world. In my perspective, the benefit of convenience and saving time and energy o
In the digital era, the use of social networking for information exchange between people and access to news is becoming more popular. While this trend helps people keep in touch with long-distance relationships and quick
In this modern society, social media is widely used to make contact with other users and update news events. However, this writer believes that the downside of addiction and getting fraud information outweigh the merits
Social media is used in many parts of the world for information and communication purposes. Although it makes people target for other criminals, I contend that social media allows people to know each other and allow an e
In today's digital era, the widespread use of social networking sites has become a common method for communication and accessing online news. While there are concerns about the potential for addiction, the advantages of
People, by and large, utilize social networking daily to contact other people and look for news. In spite of the abundance of data and the place for talking with strange people online ,this writer believes that overusing
In the digital era, the use of social networking for information exchange between people and access to news is becoming more popular. While this trend helps society keep in touch with long-distance relationships and quic
Large amount of individuals believe that a lot of people who from different countries, regions connect with other and gain latest events by using social media. The author agrees with the advantages that social networking
Along with the proliferation of technology, some people tap into social networking sites to make contact with others and keep track of global events. Personally, the writer believes this is beneficial as the merits of sa
It is true that the use of social networking sites for communication or access to news had had become an inseparable part of the modern era. This writer believes that the endless applications of advanced conversation med
Due to the advent of technology, there has been a shift towards individuals’ ways of informing and communicating. Although losing connection might be considerable, I believe that the advantages of immediacy and convenien
A common trend occurring frequently around the globe in all facets of society is people who are using social networking sites to stay in contact with others and get well-informed events. This essay argues that in spite o
Nowadays, people in the world tend to depend on social platforms to maintain contact with each other as well as update information. This writer argues that the benefits of convenience and immediateness exceed the health
The daily worldwide assistance of social media provides inhabitants with opportunities to get in relationships with others and comprehend current information. This essay believes that the benefits could outweigh the draw
Many individuals through out the world use social network everyday to contact with other people and gets news notifications. This writer believes the benefits of wide selection and convenience outweigh the drawback of be
In the digital era, it is argued that social media brings advantages to people because the convenience in communicating and reading news. The writer believes that despite many benefits, drawbacks of social media overshad
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